Chapter 355

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A monster with no MP and no HP...

It can survive my advanced fire magic, and also can reform and regenerate without any skills or extra visual energy exertion whatsoever.

The only clue I have of how to defeat this thing is the single encounter I witnessed of monk punching the ghoul to death.

Every time his fist would impact the monster's body, I clearly remember its eyes glowing brighter for a fraction of a second, then the glow of the entire beast becoming dimmer every time.

Whatever this life force or energy is, most likely provided by its curse, it needs to be extracted from its body slowly, and the monster will die once sucked dry.

The real question now is, how...?

"I'll have to figure this out fast."

The Ghoul comes running at me again without a moment of rest with its silver blade glimmering orange, and leaving a trail of its residue behind.

I'm struck with a moment of clarity as I use my strength buff to counter the incoming strike of the ghoul and send it flying back again.

The faint cloud of orange mist that trails behind it looks eerily familiar, and things are beginning to add up. Not completely, but enough for me to comprehend what's going on to a certain extent.

"Soul Energy...."

I'm just unsure how and why this works, but theres a high chance I'm dealing with the soul energy of a Lich King. It's orange energy reacts to the air just like the red aura of the hydra's soul energy I'm able to use.

Our weapons clang against each other again and again, and I begin going down my list of skills one by one to see if anything works other than the one thing I'm hoping I don't have to do... After trying to intimidate, plunder MP, lifesteal HP, equivalent exchange health, and even attempt to use telepathy, nothing seems to be getting through to this mindless battle machine and my MP falls down to about half as I sporadically use my buffs to keep up with the monster.

It doesn't slow down at all. The movements of the ghoul are as precise and clean as the moment it was transported into the ring.

Even after slicing the Ghoul in half 4 more times, the crowd only gets more excited every time it gets back up.

The announcer begins to egg them on to start getting rowdy. After the last match of manipulation, the crowd deserves to have a nice win.

However, my mind is running at a million beats per minute trying to figure out a way to injure this monster or replicate the way Monk drained its life force.

Even if I had Demonic Energy on hand, I've found that it doesn't even react with soul energy either.

The only way I'm going to be able to fight on equal grounds with this monster is to use my own soul energy buff.

Its side effects are brutal, but weeks of work in gaining money are on the line here. If I lose now, showing off all these powers to tons of prying eyes would have been all for nothing.

I'll do a single hit, put my all into it, keep it quick, and if this fails too... then there's nothing more to do tonight. I'll have to grind in the arena for a few more days regardless, or find another way to make money and get into the inner walls of the city.

We run at each other once again, and moments before our blades collide, I activate my buff again.

"Red Hydra's Rage."

The less time I'm activated in this state, the better off I'll be afterward.

The shining orange eyes of the creature in front of me pulse brighter and brighter as a veil of red energy floods out from my chest and covers my entire body in an instant. My perception boosts drastically, my speed and power increase at an alarming rate, and my strength increase is so immense the ground beneath me starts crumbling away with every extra wind imbued step forward I take.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now