Chapter 295

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I take another step into the town.

After the first ground-shaking roar, the air stays still, and silence fills the dark Abyss. The only movements I can sense are the white and purple flickering flames ahead of me.

Cautiously, I take more steps forward while gripping my dagger. The roofs of the small huts I walk past are torn off, and some are missing doors and walls. It's difficult to tell if this destruction was man-made before evacuating, or if the monster that released its battle cry earlier had something to do with all this.

Using my manipulation skill, I sense the dense grouping of raw energy coming my way at a steady rate. If I'm picturing it correctly, there are nearly 40 units swirling around inside this beast.

In response, I channel energy into my blade and start moving in its direction.

I make it all the way through the desolate village, peering out into the purple-tinted horizon awaiting its arrival.

At first, I thought it might be some kind of mutant wolf, or a humanoid version of one. However, considering its roar, it sounds too familiar to a type of monster I've fought in the past to resemble a wolf howl.

My suspicions come true as the 4-meter-tall shadowy figure of a high orc comes stomping toward me from over a risen sand dune.

Its skin is dark purple, and its armor is jet-black. The creature's crimson eyes are the first thing that becomes visible while it charges my way.

The monster raises a long glossy sword similar to my dagger's coloring and lets out a roar. It locks its gaze on me while its body begins to exude high amounts of Demonic Energy.

In doing so, it accelerates much faster. Sand flies up in the air to its sides as I finish channeling excess energy into my dagger. This activates my buffs to let the dark matter leak out from my body as well. The creature is fast, but I'm faster.

"It's time to fight."

Grinning, I lunge forward and match the Demonic High Orc's speed without an issue. My gaze tightens on its armor the closer I get, darting my eyes up and down to try and pinpoint a weak area to strike.

It's almost entirely covered from the neck down.

Other than its head, the areas I can strike are the backs of its knees, elbows, and a small area around its waist. That's where a majority of its Demonic Energy is leaking out from, so it's signifying holes in the defenses.

With eyes locked on the prize, I continue running forward as the armored High Orc runs down the sand dune with its black blade raised.

I jump upward, powered up with my new speed and strength buffs, as the Demonic Creature swings its blade down at me.

A clang rings out on impact. The heavy breath of the beast can be felt from less than a few meters away, and its red eyes illuminate the area where we clash, announcing the battle's start.

It's strong...

Much stronger than I initially imagined.

Once we collide, even with my buffs, I'm slightly overpowered strength-wise.

My mana control is worthless, and my stat-boosting gear can't be used. I'm reliant on the base stats of this body double's nerfed form plus whatever extra power the Mysterious Midnight Dagger can lend me in the heat of battle.

Although it slightly overpowers me, I still clearly have the upper hand. The monster's long sword begins to crack against the flowing essence of my dagger. My blade sinks into the metal of its weapon as it attempts to push it down further toward me.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now