Chapter 255

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The shockwave of the massive Boss' corpse hitting the ground has blown most of the purple fog away revealing my 3 teammates as they make their descent.

Maria and Aire are bloodied and bruised, but the green circle of light that encapsulates them all slowly makes every wound on their body disappear before they meet the ground.

The Serpent dropped 3 scales, but also... an item I wasn't sure could even drop.

The blue text in my mind's eye won't go away now that I've locked onto it.

[Lower-Floor Boss Identification Core]

All 6 of us begin to approach the long narrow crater made by the snake creature's body after the fall. It's fully dissolved now and has left a 10-meter deep, 100-meter-long ravine in the Boss room floor.

We hop down into it, to get the loot and mana crystal drops.

The items are giving off a white and purple glow, radiating with excess mana from the creature. Even after death, it's still exuding power.

Maria is the first to run over and pick up one of the glossy black scales. It shimmers purple and green when light hits it.

Like most item drops, it shrunk down to wearable size and it's attached to a small black string. All 3 of them put in their new battle rewards.

My eyes move back and forth around the boss room floor searching for this mysterious identification core. I've never seen one before... So I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking for. My teammates haven't found it, so it wasn't in the loot pile.

Technically it's their kill, so it's their loot. Though, I'm sure they won't object to some reasoning.

My main concern is finding it before we're sent to the next floor. The blue text box hovers above the ground just 10 meters away under a pile of small rubble.

I walk over and start moving stones out of the way with my telekinesis skill. No excess mana is coming off of this pile, so all I can do is uncover the stone slowly. Pinpointing its exact location is oddly difficult.

Arie walks over with his arms crossed.

"What are you looking for?"

My gaze tightens as I continue to move rubble.

"I'm... honestly not sure."

There isn't even a hint of a mana signature coming off of this item. None at all.

The only way I'm able to locate or sense it is with my Appraisal skill. The blue text just hovers over this pile of rubble in my mind's eye.

I Lydia and Fisher both eye me from afar, but decide to congratulate Abby and Maria instead.

The girls are very happy about their victory and need someone to share it with.

My focus is solely on finding this Identification core. I must have missed my chance to obtain one in my last Lower-Floor Boss match. I did pass out after the fight. If it's this hard to locate every time, I can't blame Ember for leaving it behind.

No one else is able to sense its presence, not even the experienced Elites. So, it must be even rarer than I initially thought.

Arie watches me sift through the rubble for a few minutes, then finally speaks up again.

"Whatever's under there, I can't sense it at all. If you find anything, it's all yours."

He turns the black scale to glimmer around his next.

"This is more than enough for me."

I give him a nod but stay focused on the rock pile ahead of me.

The small blue name tag keeps shifting and changing exact locations as I throw rocks around. I'm narrowing in on its location.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now