Chapter 336

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After being defeated a few more times, and even managing to land a few regular mana hits on the monster to gauge its strength further at the cost of valuable positioning that resulted in being defeated moments later, I've come to a conclusion.

I stand outside the rift with my hands on my hips in my true form, not bothering to make another body double just yet. I've finished every quest and have all the item dropped stored away in my item storage, and the only thing left to do is clear this rift. I recall the events of my last few battles to Ember, then let out a sigh.

"I won't be able to beat this monster in my doubled form if I want to take it out by sunrise. I'm not fast enough, nor strong enough, and don't have the means to defeat it with this nerfed strength."

My eyes wander down to my dagger stuck in the dungeon floor, and I hear a reply.

"Based on what you've told me so far, it seems like you just need a little boost. Your base form is much stronger and has access to the Red Hydra's buff. It may be a tougher battle, but I see you winning it, no question. I'll even join you inside the rift now that we know exactly what we're working with."

I nod while bending down to grip the black dagger.

"Are you sure the buff won't react in the same way mana crystals did when I absorbed them? This is the only part of all this that I'm hesitant on."

"Soul Energy cannot be destroyed by Demonic Energy. Whatever skills were safe before will be safe while using the buff as well. Plus, like I said, I'll come along and help if you need. We'll call this battle the grand finale of your training session today. I think you're going to be surprised at how far you've come."

I twirl the black dagger through my fingers, then make a body double before walking through the rift.

"I'll need all the help I can get. I want to see what reward I'll receive for winning a final boss match like this."

After this, I'm transported into the Demonic Realm with a body double on my left side and Ember on my right.

We begin venturing through the cave to face the final boss. Maybe ever since this labyrinth run, I've been too dependent on my body double. It is a great tool to use for information gathering and help with some leveling and item farming in the future, but there are some opponents that need my full strength.

I take my walk through the cave and down the mountain a bit slower this time around, and for the first time, properly channel demonic energy into my real body.

The sensation feels exhilarating. Unlike my double, this body allows me to hold over 55 units in my core. I can already feel the difference.

As we get down to the bottom of the mountain, and away from the dense clouds of raw energy, I begin to focus my own into just my left side like in training. With the rest of my body, I activate the full force of my buffs and perception skills as the sound of the Minotaur's roars fills our ears.

Ember flaps his wide black scaled wings, flying in the direction of our enemy, while my double charges forward to be a distraction.

My eyes stay locked on the beast as it comes forward.

Even now, with a small boost in stats, its movements don't look as unbeatable as they once were.

I take a deep breath in and out, then whisper under my breath.

"I only have one chance this time, so I have to make every strike count."

As these words leave my lips, a black wave of fire leaves Ember's mouth, and I watch him send a ball of black Demonic Energy from his right front claws.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now