Chapter 229

811 78 0




I hear a nearby guard count these numbers down as I run toward the metal box in the middle of the square.

All of the villagers and merchants run in the opposite direction, following the orders of the screaming guards that are lying to them all about a collapse in their containment tech.

In reality, whatever is about to happen is all their doing. It was triggered by that small silver contraption in the hands of one of the escaping guards.


The countdown hits zero. I'm close to taking out my sword and slicing through the metal box myself, but I feel energy building up inside it.

The district dense mana for Arie's bow, Maria's new royal blue ice, and I feel the ground begin to shake and ripple sending waves of earth magic all throughout the courtyard.

I grin and tuck my sword back into storage, realizing they have this all under control.

There's an incredibly loud bang that's quickly overpowered by the humming and buzzing sounds of excess mana shielding flying out into the air.

A bright white flash of white light engulfs the entire square. To anyone without extreme perception awareness like mine, it'd be impossible to tell what is going on.

So, in other words, I'm the only one that has a clue of what's going on for the next 1-2 seconds.

Metal fragments from the contraptions begin to burst out in all directions and my 3 team members jump out of the mana-spewing box with angry expressions on their faces.

They've busted out at the last minute without my help. Arie's arrow blew a hole right through the shielding and Maria's Ice took advantage by freezing the whole box solid in fractions of a second. Abby finished the job by forcing the desert floor beneath the box to shoot spears of rock into the brittle outside layer shattering it into thousands of pieces.

This chain of events releases massive amounts of built-up energy into the atmosphere.

I summon walls of rock to shield the innocent townspeople that may be caught in the blast radius. Massive 5-meter tall walls of stone make a 20-meter-wide circle around the inner part of the town square. While doing so, I activate my telepathy skill and aim it directly at my teammates.

It's been used on intelligent monsters before, but never on other humans. In theory, it should work just fine.

"Can you hear me?"

About a second passes...

Shards of metal and broken mana shielding collide with my walls of stone blocking them from hitting the villagers, but I conveniently let a few pass in the direction of the 12 guards now all running away in fear of the blast.

Maria's voice echoes in my mind.

"J-Jay? How-"

Then Abby cuts her off with a confused echoing voice.


Arie is the last to talk through my telepathic link as Abby's voice fades off, he's more calm and collected.

"What happened...?"

I reply while shooting a dark ball of fire in the air heading off in the direction of the camels I parked in the shadows of the narrow alley. The black-crimson ball of flames shines through all of the dust and mana-imbued white and silver-colored debris.

"It was all a setup. Issac betrayed us. Follow the flames, we're getting out of here."

Abby butts in with a sarcastic tone.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now