Chapter 288

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The next morning we all wake up at the crack of dawn. Falling asleep early in the day gives us more than enough time to fully recover.

After a quick breakfast made by Chester, we all leave to start our daily assignments and agree to meet back before the sun goes down.

My 4 teammates head southwest back into the more dense parts of town to scope out the markets and get in training while Chester waves us goodbye from his porch. I make my way further north, bringing some extra food and water along as well as a detailed map of the region.

Chester promises me he'll have all the gear sorted with reasonable price tags that he'll be able to auction them for.

Knowing this, I leave with a smile full of energy.

Less than 10 minutes of walking through the thin region of the suburb-like residential area goes by before I'm met with the outer edge of Solara. The vast desert in front of me leads off only to the mysterious Abyss.

Although I can't see it from here, I can definitely sense its presence.

I step off the stone road onto the cool sand. Then, activate my wind magic to start propelling my steps forward to make my way northeast at double speed while gliding a few meters above the ground.

The sun is still rising, and the desert is still not too hot from the midday rays. However, the blue sky and yellow sun are slowly making themselves known.

It's just sand and rock with the occasional rolling hill and valley to spice up the landscape. After almost an hour of travel passes, the sand below my feet is getting hot and I'm actively using my new Ice Magic skill to keep my temperature regulated.

The rising and falling dunes of sand don't change much at all, and the far-off mountains hardly get closer the further I travel. One thing that drastically shifts is the amount of open desert between me and the eerie blank spot in my perception.

Just as the map lays out, I'm nearly 10 kilometers in and it's getting very near.

What I'd thought was just a blank region of the desert a few days back, now finally comes into view as I make my way over a hill of sand to look down into a deep valley. From over 800 meters away, it's very visible with the naked eye... A jet-black wave of fog looming far off in the distance is stopped at a halt just waiting to flood the desert.

I's edge is flat like a wall standing at least 25 meters high, but squinting off into the distance, it looks like the black matter gets thicker and taller even farther out.

I whisper under my breath.

"This is definitely refined Demonic Energy... but why is it acting like this?"

There's so much energy in such a wide open space that it doesn't make a hint of sense. Whatever being or planetary disaster expelled this energy is capable of feats my mind cannot comprehend.

My body lets out a reflexive shudder, but I take a deep breath and continue examining the landscape.

I take a few steps forward to walk down the valley, but my eyes drift downward at the even more fascinating sight in front of me.

Split in half by the edge of the wall of Demonic Energy, there are the remnants of an old town.

It looks similar to the unnamed village my team stumbled upon when we first entered the Dark Continent. It was most likely home to just a few poor families sticking together as they're not welcome in neighboring cities for one reason or another.

The streets are sandy paths and the houses are made from leftover wooden building materials, cloth, and stone.

Less than 20 one-story homes are left sticking out from the black Abyss.

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