Chapter 389

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"Sounds good to me."

While Maria and Abby come to their senses, I square up with Monk and we both pick up our sparring session where we left off.

With Qi powering every step I take, and hot waves of energy filling every punch; Monk and I go at it and spar harder than we ever have before.

Sweat drips down the sides of my forehead, and I even see a droplet or two on Monk's, with his breathing getting heavier too.

Loud echoing thuds and cracks vibrate through the room as our bodies and fists collide for a full 30 minutes straight before stopping.

"You're getting a lot quicker, and your natural Qi control has even risen a bit since the last time we sparred. That fight against the ghoul must have really pushed you to your limits. Facing it, and actually being able to incorporate your magic with your fighting style is the only way you'll truly get much stronger."

I nod slowly, understanding that he's basically telling me training and sparring with him has already reached its limit. He's right, I'm subconsciously holding back while sparring. With the match against the Ghoul last night, I used every drop of energy to try and go for the kill.

On top of that, I had my buffs, sword, and skills to boost my perception and abilities. The effort and power in a life or death battle can't be matched here.

"I understand. However, these two are still in their beginner stages. They need to be taught the basics as I did when I first came in here."

Monk smiles.

"My specialty."

After the half an hour session, both Maria and Abby have started to adapt to their new environments. They stopped staring at the walls with eyes filled with awe, and slowly began watching our match, concentrating on reality again.

Monk walks them through the basic information they need to know about Qi. Using it as a power source, showing them a Qi pill, and detailing the similarities that their Qi has with the borrowed power of the Red Hydra.

Hearing Monk's explanation of soul energy again makes me realize he understands exactly how it works down to its core. The old story of his past leader awakening soul energy of his own resurfaces in my mind. The fact that this leader of his was defeated by the Lich King when it decided to take over is a scary thought.

Pairing this with the explanation and warning from Ember, my wishes to stay in this city any longer are seriously starting to wane.

I zone out in my own thoughts, thinking of a new plan while Monk continues the basics of Qi and starts to make both Maria and Abby throw punches at him just like he did for me.

I look up and smile to myself as I've thought of what to do next. At the same moment, both of the newly awakened Qi users throw over half a dozen punches, but get no result yet. However, the determination on their face is just like mine when I started.

I speak up to Monk.

"This will take you all a few hours right? You'll bring them through all the basic steps."

He replies while blocking two fists from both girls flying at him.

"Yes, at least 4 to 6 hours. Just like you, I will get them ready to fight in the Arena tonight for more practice."

"Good. In that case, I'll be back soon. I have something important to do."

"Fine by me, I'll have my hands full here."

Two waves and goodbyes sound out from the two young fighters too.

I walk over to the table at the back of the room and start to put all my gear on. Then, as I turn to leave, I hear an excited yell from Maria.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now