Chapter 298

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The purple worm's body lies on the desert floor, and it doesn't move forward at all.

Other than its mouth opening and closing with rows of teeth churning and grinding against each other and the Demonic Essence leaking out, the monstrosity stays eerily still.

The creature has made its way entirely out of the black Abyss, showing off its full body's length of just over 200 meters. Black refined energy oozes out from between its scales, floating up into the air and dissolving while the flickering purple flames begin to die down to conserve its energy.

A sight even stranger to my wandering eyes appears. There are small rips in its flesh that are starting to form. The scales curl at their edges, and some even dissolve entirely, falling off to the desert floor. It looks like holes in burning paper as the sun's rays shine down on it.

From the growing breaks in its skin, more and more of the black ooze leaks out and floats into the sky, while the desiccated bits drop to the ground.

Not only is refined energy dissolving in the air, but raw unfiltered energy also flows upward, being released from its insides too. The purple flames are hardly visible now.

Once the reaction starts, it only speeds up from there.

It looks similar to the wolf that I defeated outside of the Abyss earlier. The remains of its body are dissolving along with the energy inside of it.

As the reaction continues to get worse, it begins to finally move again, writhing in agony. A deep, mind-numbingly loud roar escapes its maw. The refined energy that leaves its body doubles in an instant, and a shock wave of matter pulses from the creature's core.

The desert floor shakes as it attempts to manipulate the sand, but the more power it uses, the faster the dissolving rate increases. More pulses of black energy shoot out from its body.

My eyes and mouth stay wide open at the sight before me.

The worm's head curls up in the air, and its tail end does too. The massive movement lifts immense amounts of sand over 100 meters into the air while it shakes the entire desert to turn its body a full 180 degrees to face the Abyss.

Huge portions of its scales and body mass fall off and dissolve into the air. Other portions are left to depreciate on their own in the open desert as they fall off the creature's now mutilated body.

It lurches forward to crawl back into the Abyss, but its skeletal structure begins to show beneath the decaying body.

A near A-Rank monster, impossible for me to defeat, is being killed by the sun.

Or so it seems...

Maybe it's just the open air or the lack of Refined Demonic Energy in the atmosphere.

Whatever the cause of this phenomenon is, it saved me from certain doom.

As the 4 glowing eyes of the worm creature plunge back into the darkness of the Abyss, the reality of the situation hits me.

The gut-wrenching feeling following my lapse in judgment and crazed battle sense finally catches up to me. The monster in front of me is an opponent I have no chance of defeating.

If Demonic Creatures can get this strong, then so can mana-based monsters. If mana-based monsters can, this only leads to the conclusion that there are surely hunters capable of subjugating them.

This is Sector 4 after all, the weakest of all the Dark Continent Regions.

I only scratched the outer edge of the Abyss.

If a beast like that roams nearby without a team of A-Class Hunters on standby to kill it, that only begs the question: What could possibly be more dangerous than this that they're busy with...?

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now