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Taehyung's Flashback

Yes me and Jennie are high school classmates. She used to have crush on me. I got to know that by Jimin, because we all from same high school. And she used to be close with Jimin. She didn't tell me neither and buried it herself. And after some days, I met Irene. She is cool, kind and bubbly. Mostly, her beauty attracted me so much that I couldn't take my eyes of her.

As the days passed that mere crush on her turned into love. I loved her from the bottom of my heart. Then, one day I confessed her and she accepted. We used to be very close. Also we were the talk of the school being the famous couple. We dated for 4 years. And then after some days, slowly she started to distant me. She used to be cold with me and also she used to come late at nights. Mostly, we used to fight for every simple and small reason, she used to cry and say "You don't love me anymore" and then we used to fight that night and also clear the misunderstandings . Its our 5th anniversary day, though our terms are not good between us I wanted to surprise her.

So, I pretended to be like nothing today and went to office as usual. Neither she didn't ask me anything like she used to do before like she used to ask me about our anniversary before day I used to pretend to that I didn't know anything and the next day I used to surprise her. She used to be overwhelmed a lot seeing my surprises and gifts.

Today, I wanted to propose her and make her mine forever. So I thought to buy a ring and propose her. I bought the ring and drove my car towards our home, on the way back I found a beautiful flower shop and bought her favourite red roses and I went into my car and drove off.

Entering the password of the door I got into the house and heard some laughters echoing from the bedroom. Erasing the bad thoughts, I walked further to see the most unexpected and the thing that I didn't wanted to happen. There, lying a my so called girlfriend sorry ex-girlfriend naked on the bed with a man on top of her. The scene broke my heart into millions of pieces.

Why am I not enough for her to devour her deeds. Why? Just why? "IRENE!!!!!!" I shouted as much as possible. She startled and the man got back and wore his shirt and she pulled the blanket up her  neck and saw me with shocked expression. This is what I got for loving her from truly? my eyes never stopped shedding down the tears. 

I looked up at the man and then shouted "I'll give you only 10 minutes clear the mess and please Get fucking out from my house or else you don't know what I am up to!!!!" I threw the flowers on the ground aggressively. The man there got startled and went running out of the apartment. 

There she sat with tears in her eyes and spoke "Ta-e.... let me explain" "What? what will you speak Irene? that you've cheated on me? HUH? You never loved me didn't you? All the time you've used me for money isn't it? I've never thought you would be this much low for a man. You can leave the house and never show me you filthy face you gold digger. Go get your new boyfriend and enjoy your life, never ever come to show me your face. We're done." i shouted then she took her luggage, and turned back to me and whispered "I'm sorry Tae". and then she went away. 


I came out of my imagination and saw Jennie looking at me frowned "Hello! Earth to Taehyung" she said making me come back to my senses. I smiled and said "Ok you can come and join from tomorrow then." i said and she nodded and spoke "What about her? Isn't she your wife. Why would you make her leave her position and give me this. Is anything wrong?" she asked and i said "No its nothing, Also I'm into this marriage because of our parents that's it. I've nothing to do with her. And also I don't want to make a move. So ya know?" i said and she chuckled and said "I think she is not what you think. Ok its your decision by the way and Ok I'll see you tomorrow then, I'll take my leave, Bye." she said and left.

Ahh! I think she will ask me about this at home. I've to be prepared for a reason. aishhhhh!!! 

Time skip to evening

All the work is completed, Taehyung packed his bag to get home it's 10:30pm. Well Yn as usually she went to home taking a taxi.. Her cold hubby don't want to know about their relationship in front of the employees, so he said to not expose them at the office.

Rather, they invited very less and closest friends to their marriage. So he decided not to tell to their employees.

Author pov

You cried a lot in the office and also said to your best friend about the thing happened in his office. Now you are no more his secretary. As a wife, it did hurt your pride that he took some other woman as his secretary neither keeping you. As you thought he is doing these all on purpose. So you've already accepted the decision and ofcourse he is the boss and have rights to do.

You want to give your hundred percent in this marriage but he seems to be unbothered. So you don't want to loose your hope and go with the flow.

"Ah! I'm home now" saying this you plopped down the sofa and relaxed a bit. You saw the time it's 8:30 pm. So you've decided to cook the dinner for both and do the remaining house work because you didn't do some of them in the morning.

Doing all the works and also the dinner, you checked the time it's 11:15 pm,.he still didn't arrived home. "Again waiting for him and starving myself wouldn't be good and also today is very tough" you thought and then again morning at the office thing caught your mind. You shrugged it and went to eat the food then the door bell rang.

You quickly hurried your steps and opened the door, receiving you cold hubby into the house. You took his office bag and coat and then he plopped on the sofa and then you hurried into the kitchen and handed him a glass full of water, which he gulped in one go. That shows you how much tired he is.

Relaxing his head on the sofa pad he closed his eyes relaxing his hands on his laps. He then started thinking.

"Isn't she mad on me or something? She is cool like always. Isn't she angry on me that I took off her position? Well whatever it's for my good sake."

He thought while you were watching him slowly getting up and heading upstairs. Then you called, "Taeh- Ahem! I mean Mr.Kim dinner?" You asked he then slowly turned towards you maintaining his cold gaze. "I've already ate out" he said and went into his room.

Well already his morning words were enough to you to loose your appetite in the afternoon, as you didn't had your lunch even Ji-eun begged, you didn't eat a single crumb of piece. While now also you lost your appetite, So you put the dishes in the fridge and went into your room and slowly shedded your tears.

"Why? Why? What have I done to you?" You shouted not too loud and then you slept on the floor not knowing someone heard your screams.


To be continued.

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Love ya


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