His Lesson.

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He dialled your number again and again but you ignored his calls and messages like he did. He pouted like a baby, when his mother won't let him eat chocolates and mumbled, "Sorry, did I hurt you that much love? so that you made me feel the same you felt when I ignored your calls?" He immediately, took out his coat and went out grabbing his car keys informing his secretary that he will be out for some hours.

He immediately went to his parking lot taking out his car, driving off to your company. He was driving but his mind was roaming by you. Literally, he didn't know how to make you cool down. It was mostly lunch hour, so he wanted you to take out for a lunch and make clear things out. 

Parking his car, he rushed into your company to see you. If it wasn't you, he would completely lost the deal for today. He really want to hug you so tight now. But still in confusion if you did forgive him or not, but it was crystal clear that you are really mad on him, that you didn't even lift his calls.

Hearing a knock on the door, you frowned your brows that who might it be, because just now your secretary went to have her lunch nagging you to come. But, you really didn't have appetite to have your food. So, you stayed in your cabin to do some file work. "But, who might it would be at this hour?" you frowned and said "Come in".

As soon as you said, a person came inside your cabin. The strong masculine scent, hit your nostrils as you immediately found who's the person there. So, you didn't look up as your eyes glued to your file. "Baby.." he called you with his honey dripping voice which made your stomach flip inside but you didn't look up and maintained a straight face completely ignoring his presence.

"My baby...." he again called you out, but still he got silence in return. "Yn-iee" he again called you but really you tried your best to hold your facial expressions to act cold, yes you have to make him taste his own medicine right? so you have to act up cold.

How could he easily call you annoying and at the same time with sweet names again. You internally rolled your eyes and concentrated on your work.

Enough, he had enough. He came forward to you and turned your chair, pulling you to face him, as he knelt down and held your hands which were resting on your lap. You aren't looking at him, as he was gazing deeply into your soul. As he cupped your cheeks and made you look at him.

"Why you ignoring my calls?" he asked in a calm voice where you turned your face aside. He again made you face him you with his hands, "Talk with me baby, I can't take your ignorance." he said as you started to wiggle to get free from him, but he is more stronger than you gurl. 

He held your hands so tightly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shout on you. But work stress got me so much frustrated. I am sorry." he said as you didn't say anything maintaining your poker face. You just replied a "Ok" so coldly. 

Well, even he was talking with you so calm, that short reply of yours hurt his heart. I think someone got his own medicine.

"Will you not forgive me?" he asked making your heart melt, but you have to stay cold to teach him a lesson. He should know how to give importance to his work and family. You are also, hurt so bad and also, have so much work to do. You are also a CEO of a company like him, and also have responsibilities like him too, did you left your responsibility as wife? did you burst out your frustration on him? No right.. So, what did he do? even after knowing about you, he hurted you. You tried your best for taking care of him, but in return he again did hurt you. 

This time, he should take his lessons. Hearing no response from you, He stood up as you stayed like that. He didn't want to force you and give you time so he said "Ok don't forgive me, but thankyou, I got the deal. And I'm sorry, I will make it up with you" he said and kissed your hand knuckles and was about to go out he again took a glance of you and went out sadly.

You huffed out a big sigh placing your hands on your heart. Heat rushed through your adrenaline when he kissed your knuckles. You again placed a kiss, where he kissed you. It was really hard playing tough. But, you have to be. He really said you were annoying. Forgiving him easily would again lead him never find out his mistakes. 

But seeing his sad face, clenched your heart. But you couldn't do anything. As, a tear escaped your eye, you wiped it slowly.

Evening at home.

He came home early to prepare a dinner as an apology. His plan flopped at the afternoon as, he want to take you for a lunch. But you didn't insist to go. So, he wanted to prepare the dinner. He prepared all your fav dishes.

It's approximately, 10 pm you came home being so tired. His car is already parked in the garage, so it was obvious that he is home. As soon as you typed the password and entered the house, his eyes lit up seeing you. You came into the house removing your heels and wore the home slippers.

 He immediately approached you as he hugged you so tightly. It really reminded you of your mother hug. You are missing her now. But soon he back off noticing you aren't hugging him back. "Welcome home baby..." he said as you simply hummed as his lips made a pout.

"Come, lets have dinner, I made your favourites." he said as your eyes lit up, but maintained a poker face. "I don't have appetite, have yours." you said and was about to go, but he held your wrist and stopped you, "Done, ignoring? come let's have our dinner." he as you rolled your eyes and pulled yours hands from him.

"Rolling eyes on me hun? Ok, fine come and eat" he said again as you turned your back to go to the guest room. As you find yourself in air. Nothing, your husband lift you up in his arms and lead to the dining room and he sat on the chair placing you on his lap. 

Your eyes widened as you really controlled to shy in front of him, but you couldn't hide. Noticing his impact on you, he took a spoonful of food in front of your mouth but you turned your face aside. He sighed and again made you face him bringing the spoon again, "If you don't eat this now, I'll make you eat something else. Is that ok?" he said making your eyes and mouth widened as, he scooped the spoon into your mouth chuckling. "Pervert!" you mumbled as was clear to his ears. 

"Only, for you baby." he said and was about to feed you another but you stopped him. He frowned his brows as you got up from his lap and sat on the other side which was opposite to him. 

You served your plate and started to eat your dinner. It would be a damn lie if he say his heart didn't hurt. Like he felt the same as you. Now, he got to know how it feels to be ignored. He was really sorry for his actions, but you aren't forgiving him at all. 

You silently ate the dinner and washed the plates and went into your shared bedroom. He followed you like a lost puppy into the room. Seeing you going into the bathroom, he sighed and sat on the bed waiting for you to come.


Sorry! If it feels bore.

Next part would be good I guess.

Thankyou sm for the support guys.

It reached 3.5 K viewers. And I'm so happy. Keep supporting your cute author 🥺

Love ya💖🤧

-Author ❤️💃

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