Lost the deal?

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Two days already passed. Again same routine. That was the last moment you both had. These two days was really hell for you. You didn't even have a single glance of him at least. You didn't even know he did ate his meals or not. He didn't even call you neither lift your calls. He was so cooked up with his work hanging on his deal. He used to come home late at night and went again before you got up.

Today, at any cost you are waiting for him to come home. You texted him to come home early that you wanted to have a talk with him. But no response. So, you dialed his secretary Jennie.

She picked up the call after serval rings.

"Hello Mrs. Kim, how are you" she asked as you responded. "Hello, Jennie. Ah, cut the formalities, Yn will be good. I'm fine what about you?" you asked as she replied "I'm good too Yn" she said as you asked "Is Mr. Kim free?" you asked being worried. At the other side, she got your worriedness and replied. "Yes Yn, he was checking up the files required for the evening meeting. So, he was kinda busy." she said as you sighed and said "Ok, he isn't picking up my calls. Once he was free ask him to contact me." "Sure, and feel free to call me anytime." she said as you hummed and ended up the call.

Yes, today was his final meeting with his dealers. He was so busy. You accept he was so occupied with his work. But, not more than you right. You just wanted to cheer him up and say all the best. This distance is killing you up from inside. After him becoming the half of you, and him getting distant was nothing but giving your heart ache.

You closed your eyes and rested your head on your office hair as some tears left from the corner of your eyes.

At the Kim Corporations.

Taehyung was busy checking the files again and again. Correcting his deal papers again and again for the dealers to not find any mistake. As, you are continuously calling him, he groaned in annoyance and checked the caller id as his eyes went sad. The thing that he isn't giving you enough time to spend with him. After this meeting, he would be free after getting the deal. And he was planning to make it up to you.

Even though he was fully occupied with his work, his thoughts were occupied by you, only you. He was out of his thoughts when he saw his secretary Jennie came inside. "Mr. Kim, sorry for disturbing but, Mrs. Kim called me that you aren't picking up her calls." she said as he replied "Yes, I know I'm busy, i will talk with her later." he replied so coldly as she just sighed being so done with his behaviour.

"Taehyung, at least don't be like this with her. She is missing you so much. I said I'll manage but you never listen to me at all. Give her some time Tae, she is your wife. Even after being so good with her for last few days and now again you are no giving her time what's with you?" she said "None of your business Ms. Kim Jennie. I know, you don't need to tell me now go and prepare the things needed for the meeting" he said not bothering her words at all.

Time skip,

At the Meeting

The dealers got seated at the meeting hall waiting for Taehyung to come.

As, after some minutes he came and started the meeting. Being the CEO of Kim corporations, from 7 years, he know how to manage and deal with the people. His secretary was performing the presentation.

As, it was about last of the meeting. So, Taehyung should give his last speech for the dealers, he got up and took the laptop to insert the pen drive, it was no where to be seen. He searched his pockets of his coat and his pants, but the pen drive was missing.

He groaned in frustration a little as he worked his ass of for this deal, as one of the dealers spoke, "Something happened Mr. Kim?" they asked as he wiped the sweat at the corner of his head and replied, "Yes, Mr. Min. Sorry for the inconvenience, my pen drive got missed can you give me some time. I'll prepare it and bring again"

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