Got the Deal.

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"THEN WHY THE FUCK YOU MADE THIS MESS YN!!! I WAS ABOUT TO LOST THE DEAL, I CAME HOME TO FIND SOME PEACE, HERE YOU ARE AGAIN. YOU ARE ANNOYING ME SO MUCH THESE DAYS. PLEASE LET ME BREATHE FOR A WHILE. AISH!!! NOW IT WILL TAKE FUCKING TWO DAYS TO PREPARE ALL THESE PAPER WORK AGAIN! FUCK MY DEAL! " He growled not thinking what he was saying and throwed the coffee mug you bought in anger which made it broke into pieces.. not more than your heart for his words.

He kicked his chair and went into your bedroom closing the door with a big thud sound, which made you flinched so badly.

Words aren't coming out of your mouth to say anything. He just let his all anger out on you. You were really crying, sobbing so hard. Are you that much annoying him? the question raised in your brain that you really doubted yourself again.

Was knowing about his health annoying to him? Was waiting until he reaches home safely and make sure he eats dinner with you makes you are annoying with him? Ok! fine apart from that, you aren't making him breathe? what the heck was that.

The words of him were really out of anger. He didn't meant any of them. You know, but he this time really said what he shouldn't say. Once again, you felt the feeling which you felt at the starting of your marriage. But now you are going to teach him a nice lesson.

"Fine I won't annoy you again ever!" you said and harshly wiped your tears off which are falling continuously. You looked at the file ruined with the hot chocolate you prepared for him so lovingly. Things really took somewhere for a minute.

You again shrugged of the thoughts and cleared the mess and took out his laptop and started to do the file again. Yes, even if it wasn't your intention to spill that hot chocolate on his file, but it ruined because of you. So, you wanted to finish the file by yourself.

You thought he would come and say sorry for shouting at you. Did you expect something high? Who think he is, Why would he come and say sorry to you. In your dreams. You chuckled sadly for yourself and again concentrated on the file.

It's early in the morning 4:45 am, you completed the whole damn file as you yawned and rested your head on the desk to take a small nap as you are really tired. You didn't know when you slept but you slowly drifted to your dreamland.


He woke up by the alarm beside him. He really felt so bad for shouting on you. Even if it isn't your intention to spoil the file, frustrated him for almost loosing the deal, made his anger took on him. He hurriedly woke up as he didn't find presence behind him, as he rushed out into the guest room, thinking you might be there. But no, you aren't there.

He hurriedly went into his study room, finding you sleeping so soundly. He relaxed a bit as he slowly approached your sleeping figure, as he saw the file behind which was new and thick. He frowned his brows and checked the file, as it was completed with new and excellent deal plans.

A beautiful smile appeared on his face, knowing that even he had been the worst for you, you always try to melt him with your kind gestures. He slowly caressed your hairs as he bend down to place a kiss on your forehead, he saw your dried tears.

He got a feeling like someone pinched his heart when he noticed your dry tears. The corner of his eyes left few drops of tears, as he was again the reason of your tears.

"I'm sorry my love, please forgive me. I really don't deserve such an angel like you. I'm really a bad husband isn't I?" he said as he kissed your forehead taking to your sleeping figure, as he took you up in his arms into your bedroom and made you lay on the sheets and tucked you up in the blanket. As you snuggled into the pillow feeling so warm.

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