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A sudden notification grabbed your attention making your eyes go wide. It was from an unknown number. "Come to xxxx address fast or make sure you loose your best friend" you were so much tensed now. You didn't know what to do at the time. You immediately called Ji Eun to confirm whether it was a prank message. But to make your fear even more her phone was switched off. You immediately didn't take a minute to rush out locking your house to the given address there.

Your hands were sweating so bad. The thought of loosing her, and that message was eating up your mind. She was the only one friend you have. Also, you never treated her like your friend but like a sister. Without her you might never in your dreams think another world.

You immediately jerked out of the car and went to the address where the location was sent. It was like a apartment. You were aware of the area because it really gave you some what bad vibes. 

You halted your steps as another notification popped up as you immediately opened "Door no 30 fifth floor" you immediately rushed into the elevator pressing up the fifth floor. Sweat dripping from the edge of your forehead, you slightly wiped them. 

You are even more tensed as Taehyung also isn't picking up your calls and he was also not found from the evening. For a second you forgot all the date things you should be having with your husband tonight. All your mind was on your best friend now. If Taehyung is beside, you would be calm as he would do something to find her. Your thoughts interrupted when the elevator sound indicated you were on the fifth floor.

You came out as your legs are trembling to have a step further. You slowly made your way towards the door number, as you found it. You saw there the room wasn't locked. You frowned your brows as you pressed the door knob and entered into the house.

It was all dark. "Hello! is anyone here. Ji Eun ah where are you" you called out as there was no response. "Ji Eun ah.. Please someone say if anyone is here" you again called out as suddenly the door you opened just now locked as you are so much frightened, you flinched and closed your eyes.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" A good amount of sound of so many people shouting echoed your ears as you immediately opened your eyes seeing the room was decorated with full of lights and party items and some letter indicating 'Congratulations' was hanged on the wall. You saw there Taehyung was standing with some flowers in his hands and also your parents and his parents and your best friend smiling cheekily.

Your blood boiled as your eyes brimmed so many tears. You fell on your place crying so badly. It was all your husband Taehyung's idea to give you a thrilling surprise on your success. They immediately came as Ji eun immediately ran towards you and hugged you as you pushed her and shouted "This was all a joke to you JI EUN? You know how scared to death I was." you shouted and cried as your father in law gave a death glare to your husband as he rubbed his back of his neck feeling so much embarassed.

"I said to Mr. Kim to not plan like this, but he didn't listen and asked to play for this thrilling surprise." she said as you frowned your eye brows and stood up. "I'm sorry wifey, it's just I wanted to give you a surprise" he said looking down feeling extremely sorry for what he did.

"Seriously? Tae? what are you a teenager to give this thrillers?" you asked him as you scoffed as he pouted and hung his head low. "I'm sorry he whispered in a low voice. You really felt bad for shouting on him as he wanted to make you happy. 

You really have a poor heart when it comes to your family or closed ones you love the most. The thought of something happening to your best friend made your mind go numb. So you didn't think much and went to risk something you didn't even know. So, it was all happened to be a Surprise and you are really out of mind to think so you reacted a bit harsh on them.

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