New Year.

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The sun rising up... As here the couple sleeping so soundly. Slowly Taehyung opened his eyes and watched the most beautiful view infront of him. His wife.

He really waited and loved for this moment to come. Even if they sleep together, but this time it's that after they became one... He really wanted to admire her like this. Slowly placing away the hair strands which were falling on your face, he got a perfect view of your face.

He admired your face for some minutes as his phone was buzzing out the shit..

He pulled up his phone from the night stand and was busy replying texts of his birthday wishes. He was so happy and his heart was filled with an extreme of happiness cause of you.

You slowly opened your eyes and snuggled into his chest more, as he rested his head on the headboard checking out his phone.

You woke up and saw him busy on his phone as you pouted a little. Last night things played in front of you gaining a slight pink shade tint on your cheeks. Noticing the movements of you, he came back to his senses and snuggled down the bed into the sheets of you... And making you lay on his chest properly and pecking your lips saying "Good morning wifey".

You smiled wide returning back his peck saying "Morning...Happy birthday love..." He smiled for your wishes replying a thankyou.

You were about to get up from bed to do your morning routine... As suddenly you hissed in pain. He immediately worried and caught you again laying you on the bed.

"Aish... Is it paining love?" He asked being concerned yet worried about you.
You nodded innocently as he took you up in bridal style into the bathroom placing you on the counter.

You chuckled by his actions as he was being so sweet and started spoiling you so much.

He made you brush your teeth and shower at the same time.
(Don't think more he just made her shower that's it... You unholy people.)

Later.. you both spend most of time in your room and ofcourse you both video called your parents and had a nice talk too. They teased you so much after finding that you both had a special night.

They were so happy about you both. Later in the evening you both spent out for a dinner and went to your room and slept. He didn't insist to make his birthday celebrations because he don't want you to be tired.

You nagged along to celebrate but he didn't. Instead he said you could celebrate after returning home. So you didn't say anything.

Time skip

31st December.

You both spend the day visiting so many new places in Paris. You visited the famous Louvre museum.

As Taehyung loves art, you insisted him on going to the arts museum which he loves to go. So, you both enjoyed so well. Seeing him adoring the paintings all over, it made your little heart so happy.

It was past mid afternoon. Means it's 4:30 pm in the evening. You were roaming on the roads of France. As, next destination is to visit the Eiffel Tower.

You're excited to see the highlight and beauty of Paris. Because who won't... And the next day would be new year. And staying up all night at the tower and enjoying the view of New Year celebration with him making you excited you so much.

Time skip.

It was already past 11:30pm. And few minutes for new year. You both explored the place and checked some shops and all. You clicked so many pictures of him and so did he. You both clicked so many pictures and enjoyed a lot.

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