Check Up

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It's been two days, that you tested out to be a mother. Still, you have to check up at a doctor to know about the baby. Today, your parents and in laws were also joining you for the marriage. You couldn't wait to share the news with them. You were just tested as positive. But still you have to appoint with the doctor, and you want to go with your mother and mother in law.

It was mid noon, when you are resting in the hotel, where Taehyung and Seojun went out for the wedding hall to make sure all the plannings were going well or not. He insisted you to come, but you were hella tired of your morning sickness. You really made sure he had no doubt on you.

You closed your eyes, caressing your belly feeling so extremely over whelmed by the feeling of a fetus in your stomach. You are so happy that you couldn't even express them in your words. 

You suddenly opened your eyes when you heard the door bell. You got up and opened the door as tears left your eyes seeing your parents. You immediately hugged both of them crying. 

"Eomma.. Appa.. I missed you so much" you said as they caressed your hair as you pulled out from the hug and saw them smiling at you. "Ah we missed our baby daughter too" said your dad as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Didn't you miss us daughter?" said your father in law Mr. Kim, as you rushed to them who are just standing beside your parents. "Abeoji, Eommo-nim I missed you two also" you said and hugged them.

"Aigoo.. my daughter, we missed you too" said your mother in law. Soon, you all went into your respective rooms, as you called your mother and mother in law into your room as they were looking at each other faces being confused why you called them.

You are really nervous. Of course, they would be so happy listening your good news. But you are nervous how to start and when to start.

"Eomma.." you called as your mother responded "Yes honey, say why you called us?" she asked as you held her hand which was placing on her lap. You also took your mother in law hand and said "Eommo nim" you said and looked at her as she was so curious of what's going on.

"Daughter, come on tell us what's the matter" she asked as you looked into their eyes and said "You both are going to be grand parents" you said in one breathe as your mom said "Ok.. we are going to be- Wait! WHAT!!!!???? YN-IE ARE YOU PREGNANT?" she asked more than shouting as Taehyung's mother is still zoned out of what you said. You quickly held your mother hand who just stood up jumping here and there in happiness.

"Ommo.. my baby, AHHH I'm being a grandma? Yay... Yah.. we are gonna be grand parents.." you mother hit Taehyung's mother arm as she flinched and came out and shouted "OH MY GOD.. YN-AH YOU PREGNANT MY HOLY SON! GOSH I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA?" she too shouted in happiness as you tried to stop both the chaos but couldn't they were literally behaving like a teenagers swirling all around holding their hands.

"Yah! both of you stop it now" you said as they both stopped and looked at you. "Tae don't know still. Two days back I tested and found positive. I don't know what to do mom. I am so happy" you said as they saw you in awe, remembering themselves at your age.

"Honey, it is common that we don't know what to do at these times. But you got us, we are here now" Taehyung's mom said as caressed your hairs.

"Taehyung didn't know?" your mom asked as you nodded and said "yes he don't I want to give him a surprise. Eomma, would you take me to the hospital?" you asked as they both nodded and said "Of course we would honey. We are so happy for you both" she said as you smiled seeing their happy smiles.

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