Chapter 7 -Training part 1

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After Naoto finished his dinner, Reigen leads Naoto into a small cave. He didn't expect there is a cave in this mountain, looks like there is still a lot of things he didn't know yet about this mountain.

"Brat, your clothes, take it off."

"Eh? Why?"

With a frown, Reigen started scolding Naoto.

"I already said stop asking a question! Take it off or I will strip you off!"


Naoto hurriedly undress and put the clothes down on the floor. Right now he only wears a single loincloth. His body shiver, it's very cold.

"Good, now follow me."

He followed Reigen into the cave, with every step he takes, it's getting darker and darker until everything turns pitch black. The air inside the cave is a bit higher than outside, however, it's still feel very cold without his clothes.

"Brat, hold onto my spear and don't let go until I say so."

"Ah, yes master."

Naoto stretches his hand out into the darkness, he can feel cold steel through his skin. It feels like Reigen spear, he grabbed it and they start to walk again. On his way, only the sound of dripping water and steps accompany both of them.

Once again it surprised Naoto, this cave is bigger than it looks, it's been one hour, but they are still walking. There is a lot of ways up and down, they also turn left and right a lot, it almost feels like a labyrinth. Naoto can't map it out inside his head.

Suddenly the spear Naoto grabbed slipped out from his hand. Naoto panicked and suddenly Reigen voice echoed through the cave, making Naoto can't pinpoint out the source.

"Human sense is dull in broad daylight, however, in darkness, their five senses become a lot sharper and stronger. Hone your sense to its peak, if you can do that then walking in this cave will be a piece of cake for you. Now, this is your first training, find your way out from this cave."

"Wha- Wait a minute master! Master? Master!?"

But there is no answer from Reigen no matter how many times he shouted, Naoto can't even feel or hear his footsteps. How in the world did he move so fast in this darkness? Naoto stood frozen in place.

"Y-you've gotta be kidding me right? There is no way I can do this!"

Naoto take a deep breath a few times and calm down.

"No, keep calm, relax, if master can do it, then it's also possible for me. Now think about what should I do in this situation. I can walk through the mountain in the darkness because my eyes can adapt in the darkness to a certain degree. However, this cave is different, it's a total pitch black, it feels like walking while being blindfolded."

He start to focus his mind.

"Remember what Master said, use your sense. The smell, I can only smell humid water and rocks, everything smells the same. What about hearing, I can only hear the sounds of dripping water. Feel the surrounding with your skin, the air feels humid, I can't sense any other thing than that. Feel the flow, as long there is a flow I can get out from here safely. ... Wh-what is this? I can't feel the flow! Why!?"

Naoto gritted his teeth in frustration, this is the first time he can't feel any flow around him, it's like something is blocking his flow sense. He always depends on everything on his flow sense, now that he can't use it at all he feels very powerless.

"It feels like I'm being strip naked and thrown into the wilderness. Oh wait, I didn't wear anything right now! Ugh! Its do or die!"

He decide to move, he tries to do it slowly, but he always hit the wall or falls down into the floor. He keep trying for five hours, Naoto could feel all of his body is aching, and his head begun to hurt. He doesn't even know where he is right now, is he getting closer? Or is he getting farther?

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