Chapter 10 - Sabito & Giyuu

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In the nearest village, Naoto bought a lot of ingredients and put it inside his backpack. There is some money given to him by Reigen inside the bag, looks like Reigen quietly give it to him. Five days passed, Naoto finally reaches the place where final selection takes place, he still got two days of free time. He already arrived at the foot of the mountain but the swordsman he meets on the way said that he can't go into the mountain until the final selection start.

"Hm, what should I do now? The final selection will start in three days. Oh well, for now, I will just look around the town and buy rations for a few days."

He went into the nearby town to stocked up more food and walked around the town. It's been a long time since the last time he got free time like this, so he feels a bit loss of what he's going to use it for.

Since Naoto didn't know what to do anymore, he went into the forest outside the town. There is a lot of mist in the forest. He climbed a tree and eat a few meat buns for lunch while watching the cloud moving in the blue sky.

"Come to think of it, I forgot to ask master how did he get all of those groceries. Not to mention that tasty eel. Oh well, I can ask him after I got back. I wonder if he will praise me once I become a demon hunter, hehehe~."

Finishing his lunch, Naoto lay down on the branch. He feels a bit sleepy by the cold autumn wind.

Suddenly someone is calling him from below. The voice sounds bright and warm.

"Oi, you over there. The one with purple haori!"

"Hm? Is someone calling for me? Is it my imagination?"

Just to be sure, Naoto gets up and looks below. There are two people that look the same age as him. One of them has peach-colored hair, a scar on his right cheek and a fox mask with the same scar on his face, he wears a square green and yellow patterned kimono with white haori. The guy behind him wears a dark red hakama, his black hair is tied into a low ponytail unlike Naoto high ponytail, and his face also looks delicate.

Without any expression, Naoto asked.

"What do you want?"

The plum haired boy grinned and said.

"Do you mind if we eat here? This looks like a good place."

"Do what you want, it's not like I own this place, just don't bother me."

After giving his approval, Naoto went back to gaze at the sky.

"Okay thank you, let's have our lunch here Giyuu."

The boy with long black hair named Giyuu nodded timidly and whisper into his friend's ear.

"Y-yeah, but are sure it's fine Sabito? He didn't look that friendly."

With a grin, the man with a fox mask called Sabito slap Giyuu's shoulder.

"What are you worried about, he already said it's fine. Come let's eat."

Both of them sit on the ground, and Sabito began to unwrapped an onigiri and shared it with Giyuu.


"Thank you!"

While Sabito and Giyuu happily eating their lunch, suddenly a growling sound reverberates above them. They looked up at Naoto who still quietly sleep on the branch. Sabito smiled lightly and call him.

"Um... would you like to join us?"

Naoto can feel his face become red, it's so embarrassing that people need to hear his stomach growled. He just ate five meat buns and he already hungry? This must be what Reigen said to him, his body can't conserve any energy so he needs to eat a lot.

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