Chapter 98 - Three Upper Moon

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Holy this is one long chapter! Because I'm too lazy to split it up, I will let it be~. Last chapter for today!

Enjoy XD!


"Ah, can you wait here for a second? There is something I need to buy."

"Sure, I'll wait under that tree."

The festival already ended and many people start to leave the area. Naoto went under a single big tree while Shinobu went to finish her business. As Naoto wait, suddenly he saw someone familiar walking in the crowd of the people.

He has pink hair with pale skin, there is a tattoo line on his body like a demon mark. For some reason, every people he passes didn't realize him or didn't care about his presence. Naoto sharpen his eyes and followed that man with pink hair.

Outside the town, near the forest.

Before the man with pink hair can enter the forest, Naoto opens his mouth.


The man Naoto follows is none other than Akaza, the upper moon three. Akaza feel very shocked, he didn't realize that he's been followed. He didn't even detect any kind of presence until Naoto call his name. Akaza turn around with a small smile.

"If it isn't Naoto, what a pleasant surprise to see you here."

Naoto's face didn't have any expression.

"Pleasant surprise indeed."

Akaza takes a battle stance.

"Since we already meet let's kill each other! I will pay you back for what happened last time! I have gotten stronger than last time!"


Seeing Naoto didn't move, Akaza feel confused. He also didn't feel any hostility and battle spirit coming from Naoto. In fact, he can't feel anything at all, it feels like Naoto is just a normal human.

"What's wrong? Take your weapon out."

Naoto turn quiet for a few seconds before he speaks.

"Do you like fireworks?"

Akaza feels confused by Naoto's question.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Do you like it?"

Akaza frowned.

"I hate it."

Since Akaza can't feel any battle spirit from Naoto, he stand up and casually chat with Naoto.

"My turn to ask a question, do you hate weak people? For me, I really hate them. All they can do is ask for help from other people. It's better if all of them died."

"Yeah, I hate weaklings. They only cause a problem for other people."

"Kukuku, it looks like we got the same view. This is the first time I ever have a casual conversation like this with a demon hunter pillar. All of them either start shouting at me or start swinging their weapons. I like chatting you see. Hey, what do you think about humans?"


"Yes, humans are feeble and weak. Maybe they are strong in their prime age, but that means nothing once you grow old. That's why I hate humans."

"I also hate humans. They are a pain to deal with, they always say everything they want, they only want to hear something they want to hear. They never think about other people's feelings. They casually hurt each other like it was a normal thing to do."

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