Chapter 26 - Mission with Shinobu part 2

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It's morning, yet the dark cloud makes it look like it was night. Thunder and lightning fill the dark sky. Because the wind is very strong, Shinobu needs to hold onto her hood so it didn't get blown off. Not only that, their vision become limited under this heavy shower, they need to be extra careful. The horse is galloping at a very fast speed. Naoto is holding the rein to control the horse.

"How long till we reach Ashiya town?"

"Two hours as long as we keep moving. I just hope there won't be any problem with Kiki or the cart."

"When you say it like that, something is bound to happen."

"You just jinx it."

"Not me, you did."

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry Shinobu-sama."

"We need to hurry, with this kind of weather the demon can come out as much as they want. In that time there will be more people to become a victim, and it doesn't look like this typhoon will let up any time soon. Maybe it will keep raining until night."

"I know, I'm trying my best here. Seriously, what is wrong with the weather today." 

After two hours, they finally reach the port town. And as Shinobu expect, the typhoon didn't show any sign of stopping at all. As both of them ride the cart into the town, they can see the sea is raging and a high tidal wave keeps smashing the harbor and port wall, making a huge water splash.

The road is empty because no one can do business in a day like this. Every house they pass has their light on, many of them prefer closing up their shop and stay inside. 

"Shinobu... I'm hungry..."

"Right, it's almost time for lunch. Let's go to the restaurant over there, I want to eat and drink something warm. This cold is slowly killing me. We also need to find some information first."

They park the cart in front of a big western looking tavern. Before they get off, Naoto takes his backpack and puts it on. Both of them open the door entered. Inside, there is many people who look like a worker and businessman. All of them take shelter inside this tavern until the rain stopped.

The moment Naoto and Shinobu entered, all of them look at Naoto and Shinobu at the same time. From their clothes, they can instantly judge that both of them are not local. Both of them take off their hood and look around. 

"It's packed full. Looks like there is no seat for us. Let's find another-"

"Wait, Nao. There is one empty table over there."

Shinobu points her finger and Naoto follows the direction she pointed. Indeed there is one empty table, but it's right at the corner of the store.

"Uh... Shinobu... that table looks suspicious don't you think? That corner is very dark and looks cold. It looks like a place someone often used to make a shady transaction."

Unlike the other table that lighted by a warm lantern and lamp, the place Shinobu wants to sit looks very gloomy. It looks very different from the bright atmosphere of the tavern.

"Stop thinking about something useless. I don't want to find another place to eat in this kind of weather. Let's go."

She grabbed Naoto's hand and pull him. Naoto can only reluctantly follow her. With each step they take, a lot of water dripped off from their cape and backpack. Luckily the floor already wet and dirty, so they don't need to feel bad about it.

Both of them take their cape off and hang it on the back of the chair before sitting down. Naoto put his big backpack on the side of the table.

"Keep an eye on your bag, there is a lot of people here. No one knows what they are going to do."

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