Chapter 30

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Austin left at 5:45.. When he left the street i loaded Kylie and Kenleigh into the car and followed him in my neighbors car. Told ya, this is a very good plan! (;

He pulled up at a rather big house.. A perky blonde walked outside. She was gorgeous... I can see why Austin wants her. She got into his car and they kissed and he pulled off. I stayed father back.

They pulled into the drive-in movie. They were watching the notebook... Mine and Austin's couple movie..

A few tears slipped from my eye. I was truly hurt by this!!

The movie ended. They went to Benny's. I followed a few cars behind them.

After they went into the cafe, i went in 10 minutes later..
They were sitting at a table. "How may i help you?" the waitress asked. I ordered. I kept glancing over at Austin and the Taylor chick. They handed me my bag. I finally had the courage to go up to them. "Hi Austin!!" I said. "Oh it's your niece!!" Taylor squealed. "No bitch. i'm his finace. But know he can give you this ring. Because he won't see his kids or his ex ever again. Thanks for ruining my life.." I said throwing the ring at him and leaving the cafe. I drove home. I was so scared. I have a 6 month of baby.. And a two year old with him! "Why you cry?" Kylie asked rubbing her eyes. I wiped the tears and pulled her onto my lap. "Daddy hurt mommy." I said. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know." I said. She wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. "He was a good daddy. But now he's a bad daddy." She said. I kissed her forehead. "Baby girl, he's still your daddy! He will forever be your daddy! He's not a bad daddy.." I said. She started crying. "But he hurt you mommy." She said. I cuddled up to her. Kenleigh is in her crib, this is the first time me and Kylie have spent time together.

"Is daddy coming home?" Kylie asked. "No.." I said. "But why?" I asked. "Ask him.." I said. "How?" She asked. "Wanna call him?" I asked. She nodded. I dialed his number. "Kendra! OMG. I've been trying to call you.." Austin answered. "This is Kywie" Kylie said. he chuckled. "Hi Baby girl. Whatcha doing?" he asked. "Why did you hurt mommy?" Kylie asked. "Why did i hurt mommy? I don't know.. Because i was stupid.." Austin answered. "Mommy cried. And you hurt her! You're a bad daddy!" Kylie yelled. "Kylie Grace!" I yelled. "But mom!" She squealed. "You apologize right know.." I demanded. "Sowwy.." she said. "It's okay baby.." Austin said. "Daddy are you coming home?" Kylie asked. "mommy doesn't want me too." Austin said. How dare he say that to my daughter? "mommy, why not?" Kylie asked. "Yeah mommy, why not?" Austin said trying to push my buttons. "First of all, you don't live here.." I said. "So," Austin said. "Daddy i want to see you." Kylie said bawling. "Can he come home?" Kylie asked. "I don't care.." I said. "I'll be over in 10.." Austin said. I hung up.

There was a knock at the door. "DDAAADDDDYYY.." Kylie yelled. "Kylie Grace!! Your sister is trying to sleep." I said opening the door. Austin's face was red, and his eyes were bloodshot. "Daddy!" Kylie said yelling again. "Kylie Grace!!" I said. "What?" She asked. "Your sister is asleep. Stop yelling or i will make you go to bed..." I said. "Sorry mom." She said. I nodded. Austin shut the door. I went to the living room and sat back down. Austin sat on the floor with Kylie. I heard the baby monitor go off. Kenleigh was crying. I threw the blanket off of me and went into Kenleighs' room. She was crying. I picked her up. She wasn't needing a changing so i took her downstairs. Austin and Kylie were sitting in the kitchen coloring. I laid Kenleigh in her basket thingy for the kitchen. I made her a bottle. I picked her back up and fed her quickly. "Mommy i colored you something!!!" Kylie squealed. "what is it?" I asked. She showed me a picture of a coloring page tore out of her Sophia the first coloring book. "I made you one too." Austin said. He handed it to me. It was colored nicely. On the top says, I'm Sorry.
"Austin, you cheated.." I said. "yeah but it was stupid. I screwed up my whole future with you and the girls for a bullshit girl like Taylor.." he said. I nodded slowly. "Austin.." I said. "hear me out.. I love you Kendra!! You're my one and only! I promise! I don't know why i went with Taylor. I was stupid. I'm sorry. Please forgive me!" Austin begged. "Sure.." I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly. "But i want you to block her number. take her off of everything and tell her you never want to see her again.." I said. "Deal.. But question. Is the wedding still on?" He asked. "The wedding is on.." I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly. I'm glad I have him back!!

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