Chapter 36

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I was cleaning the house and getting ready for Austin to be back from a new studio so we can go on vacation. Kylie was playing with her dolls in the floor. Kenleigh was asleep. There was a knock at the door. "Hold on." I said putting the toy basket down on the table. I went to the door. There was a girl around my age standing there. "May i help you?" I asked nicely. "Y-Yes is A-Austin h-here?" She asked stuttering. My heart broke. "He isn't here. Why?" I asked. "I'm pregnant..." She said. "It's Austins?" I asked. She nodded and let a few tears fall. "What's your name?" I asked. "Becky.." She said. I nodded and let her in. "Austin should be home soon." i said. "Is this your baby?" She asked referring to Kylie. "Yes, my other child is asleep." I said. she nodded. "How far along are you?" I asked. "2 months." She said. I nodded. but it broke my heart. Austin cheated on me with this chick while i was pregnant then had a miscarage..? "Babe, i'm back.." Austin called into the hall. I cleared my throat. "You have a visitor.." I said sternly. Austin came around the corner and saw the girl. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm pregnant.." She said. "You can't be! I didn't do anything with you." He said. "Yes we did. You were drunk! I don't want the baby.." She said. "there is no way in hell that baby is mine.." Austin yelled. Kylie looked scared. I picked her up and took her upstairs. Kenleigh was just waking up. "Come on baby." I said picking her up. My baby girl is now 8 months old.. Hard to believe. Kylie walked down the hall. "daddy when are we leaving?" Kylie asked. "Soon." He said looking back at the girl, Becky. "You have beautiful children.." She complimented. "Thank you." Austin said. "These are you children?" She asked. "yes.. And this is my wife.." he said. She frowned and nodded. "I'm sorry for bothering.. I'll go now. I just wanted you to know that i was pregnant with your baby.." She said. "And i don't want the baby.. I'm putting it up for adoption.." She said then ran out of the door.

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