Volume 9, Chapter 7 - "Blast From The Past"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

I assume that most of the others saw me learning how to invoke the power of the Kaosunaito from Revenant that night. The atmosphere seemed a little off. Now, everyone was treating me with slightly more respect than usual. Bowing, holding the door open for me, standing up when I entered the room. Cinder wouldn't come near me for over a week. If the circumstances were different, I might have found it quite comical. However, all it did was heighten my curiosity about these so-called "Ghosts of Remnant". I could not believe that I had not looked into the legends after hearing about them so often but it seemed that every time I broke away from my duties as Headmaster and Huntsman to research them, there was always something pulling me back. Such as the night I was sitting in my office, watching over the security feed since our entire security team called in sick that day. If I am honest, I did not buy it that every single one of our team was off sick on the very same day as each other but, hey, these things happen. This sort of duty was rather tedious and boring, just staring at cameras all night long with nothing happening in-between. It was at times like those that you had to take your hat off to security guards; I don't know how they coped. I was absolutely shattered, I could barely keep my eyes open. However, something happened that night that made them widen in shock. It was one-thirty a.m., the night was still. Only the ticking of my wall clock was making any form of sound, only the moon and the lone lamp on my desk producing any form of light inside that shrouding darkness. Then, I noticed some sort of figure on the camera watching the Main Avenue leading up to the academy. It was a tall man dressed in a suit and a black bowler hat with a red band and a small feather tucked into it. It was too dark for me to make out anything else, except the faint puffs of smoke coming from his cigar. I leaned in closer to the monitor.

(Y/N): "What the..?"

The man stepped into the light of one of the streetlamps. My mouth dropped in horror, I rubbed my eyes to check I was either awake or hallucinating. He was a Remnantian man who carried an aura of confidence about him I had only ever seen once before. He strode forward through the Main Avenue as if he owned the place. Once he was in the light, I could see that he was dressed in a white-lined black suit with a red depiction of the Sovereign Empire's emblem on the back, black trousers and polished black shoes. He had a red scarf around his neck and wore a pair of brown leather gloves. However, when I saw the (somewhat darker than before) long, orange hair, black eyeliner and the pumpkin emblem tattoo on his right wrist, I realised who it was instantly, despite the differences of blood-red eyes and white tendril-like patterns protruding from his eyes. I slowly stood up to look out of my window. There he was, standing under the streetlamp like a wandering spirit. Once he saw me, he smirked and waved with his hand. Then, wispy clouds of darkness flowed into the Main Avenue and the dead man walking disappeared from sight. With a shaking hand, I pressed down the button on my Scroll and called my teammates.

(Y/N): "Uh, guys, if I tell you something, you won't think I've been drinking, will you?"


I had gathered everyone on the Main Avenue. They were just as surprised as I was when I told them what I saw. I didn't believe it myself, at one point I assumed that I must've had a drink spiked at some point during the day or accidentally breathed in some Dust fumes without sneezing them back out again. I was hoping I had finally lost my marbles. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The chilling, evil Aura I was sensing deep in the dark embrace of Amnesty Forest told me that much.

Ryan: "Are you freakin' mad?!?! You mean, you saw Roman Torchwick standing here?!"

(Y/N): "Yes!"

Ryan: "In the flesh?!"

(Y/N): "Yes!"

Ryan: "And, alive?!"

(Y/N): "Yes..."

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