Volume 11, Chapter 4 - "Out of the Darkness"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

This was not how I thought my day would start. I woke up to discover that an Imperial ship was arriving at Amnesty Academy under a flag of truce. And, to top it all off, it was not an ordinary Bullhead, it was Spectre's ship! I told the guards at the landing pads to stall for time when they requested landing permission so I could call everyone up into the office to discuss this strange turn of events. I could not help but laugh when I saw Spectre's ship finally settle down on the landing pad and the entire Sovereign Assembly step out, much to the surprise and fright of our students in the courtyard. They kept their distance around the outside of the main avenue leading up to the main building, some of them watched from behind the trees. I turned back to my friends and shook my head.

(Y/N): "A flag of truce, eh? Heh. I wonder what that means."

Ryan: "Well, (Y/N), it's a piece of white cloth on a stick that people wave to-"

(Y/N): "I know what it is! It's why I want to know!"

Blake: "The ceasefire doesn't end for another three days. Why would they come now?"

Emerald: "I doubt it's a friendly visit."

(Y/N): "Well, whatever they're here for, we'd better play along. Otherwise, this ceasefire might suddenly be called short."

Ruby: "Should we go?"

(Y/N): "No, stay. I know how to talk to him but I want you guys to back me up in case things go south."

We waited. Silent. Waiting for the sound. Then, it came. The sound of the elevator going up at the back of the corridor leading out of the office. As the binging sounds counted down the elevator's arrival, I looked over to my dad, who was leaning against the window with his arms crossed. He was putting on a brave face but I could tell he was reluctant to face his old friend again. He and I shared an understanding glance; my mother looked up at him, realising what was wrong. He weakly smiled to reassure her but once the footsteps came closer to the door, that smile disappeared. A small pinging sound effect played to indicate that entrance to the office was requested. I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself.

(Y/N): "Come in."

The doors opened slowly with a "shh" sound - yes, I installed spaceship-style doors, I liked them - and inside stepped Afton, Zander, Sycamore, and finally, the dark lord of Remnant himself, Spectre. His footsteps were the loudest of all, resonating inside our hearts, making them shudder with every step forward. He looked us all over for a moment but froze when he spotted my dad leaning on the window, staring straight back at him with disdain and disappointment in his eyes. Spectre chuckled when he recognised him. My dad took a tighter grip around my mother, instinctively protecting her from him.

Spectre: "Well, string me up and leave me for dead. (D/N) (L/N), as I live and breathe."

Dad: "Spectre."

He then turned his head to me.

Spectre: "I never would have believed it until I saw it with my own eyes. But, I knew you two having the same last name couldn't have just been a coincidence. The Phantom is Revenant's son. Haha! No wonder you grew so powerful so quickly. I suppose the role of a Huntsman is in our blood, as the saying goes. By the way, (D/N), you have really let yourself go, friend. You've become quite a sorry sight, zombie."

Dad: "That's Revenant. And, speaking of sorry sights, have you looked in the mirror lately?"

Spectre: "I didn't come here to have a dissing contest with you, (D/N). I came here to make an offer. Ma'dam."

Spectre's quick glance at my mother with that charming yet slimy tone of his made us all seize up. Some of us even drew our weapons, which prompted Afton, Zander and Sycamore to do the same. Spectre, however, just chuckled and motioned for everyone to calm down.

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