Volume 1, Chapter 11 - "What a Dump!"

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[A/N] Just because the main storyline of the Volume is over doesn't mean that Team Caliber won't have their own little adventures.

Ryan: "Alright! More opportunities for us to get in trouble! Cue our theme music!"

[A/N]: Wait! Wouldn't this count as Volume 1.5? Somebody clear that up for me, please?

(Y/N's P.o.V)

Shocks of electrical current filled my body as I screamed in pain and agony, the same evil, devilish grin was crawling along my capture's face along with every other thing that was crawling along it.

???: "What's wrong? Not enough current? Don't worry, I can help you with that!"

Once again, I was shocked with an increased amount of voltage this time. It almost felt like the current made my veins glow as it ran through my body! My capture was about to shock me one last time when a figure opened the door and stopped her from going any further.

???: "That's enough! Let him down, she wants to address him personally."

???: "Aww! I was just starting to enjoy myself as well!"

Just then, my two captures stepped aside and the huge double doors opened up in front of me, bathing the room in a bright white light which made me avert my eyes from it in fear of going blind. Many other figures stepped into the room before letting one more figure inside, her face was hidden by a dark cloak and I couldn't see any of her body in the darkness. This person seemed to be much more important than the rest of them as she was the only one stood before me.

???: "See what happens when you try to play God?"

(Y/N): "Who the hell are you? Reveal yourself!"

She slowly lifted her cloak and stared up at me. It was Ruby! Although, after I examined her a little more, I noticed that she wasn't as I once knew her; her eyes were dull and lifeless, her skin cracked and broken, and the left side of her face was covered by one half of a Grimm mask. Eye contact was deeply saddening me, she simply looked at me with a half-dead expression on her face. Then, I looked away and saw that everyone else from Beacon was the same!

All: "You shouldn't have gotten involved."

Then, I saw my teammates looking over me. A spark of hope was ignited within me but it was soon extinguished that they were also wearing those masks and their faces were the same as everyone else's!

(Y/N): "No, no, no! I'm sorry!"

Ryan: "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?! (Y/N)?!?!"

Everything went black.

Ryan: "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?! (Y/N), WAKE UP YOU DIPSTICK!!!"

(Y/N): "AAHHHHH!!!"

My nightmare ended with such a jolt that I actually jumped out of my seat. My screams scared everybody in the library. Silence filled the room as all the other students stared at me out of confusion and short-lived fear. I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head, trying to look as innocent as possible.

(Y/N): "Hehe. Sorry."

Sudden realisation hit me and I immediately rushed over to absolutely everyone, waving my hands in the air and shouting out of sheer happiness that everyone was alright. More awkward silence filled the library as I returned to my teammates when I got myself back together and started blushing immensely.


The blush never left my cheeks even when I was sat in the locker room, no one else was in there but my team and I. Ryan was giggling but I could tell that he was trying to hide it. Brady was emotionless; it seemed like he could block all emotion from his face when he saw fit, I guessed that he had been training himself somehow. However, Christine, being the kind of person that she was, was making no attempt to hide it.

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