Volume 10, Chapter 1 - "The Recovery"

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(No one's P.o.V)

After the Battle of Amnesty, the academy was badly damaged. Everyone thanked their lucky stars that the Imperials never made it past the Main Avenue, otherwise the whole campus would have been burnt to the ground. It would have been a repeat of the Fall of Beacon. Thankfully, history did not repeat itself that day. But the aftermath of the battle left a lasting scar upon the school. The defensive wall around the island had been smashed in multiple places, there were holes in the ground, fallen trees littered the pathways, broken glass was scattered over the grass. Amnesty Academy was totalled. Repairs started immediately with everyone, student and teacher alike, doing their part to heal the wounds of their beloved academy, their home. Scaffolding coated the entire main building, Amnesty Tower included, materials were being lifted by hand (or by Semblance in some cases) to others to continue the repairs, some were even using their Semblances that allowed them power over nature to fill in the craters in the ground that were created by heavy cannon fire. It was like one massive LEGO set when someone had just dropped it off the table. They felt it was more comforting to look at this ugly scar in a funnier way. To say it took long would be an understatement. It took days to get Amnesty Academy repaired, they even resorted to continuing as normal while the repairs were being made, moving classes outside rather than inside the rickety structure. A couple of days after the battle, Team Caliber was walking down the Main Avenue, assessing how far they had to go until the repairs were finished.

(Y/N): "Jesus Christ, look at it... it looks like it's made of cake rather than brick."

Christine: "All of the classrooms have been destroyed, we'll be presenting outside classes for a while."

(Y/N): "Has the infirmary been hit?"

Ryan: "No, that is one of the only buildings that is still standing."

(Y/N): "Good. What about the walls, the cannons, the defence systems? Have they been destroyed?"

Christine: "I wish I could say no."

Brady: "The Imperials destroyed the lot with their Tridents before they landed on the island."

Ryan: "If the Imperials come back, we're sitting ducks."

Upon hearing this, (Y/N) climbed onto the fountain statue and called out to everyone who was working at the top of his voice.

(Y/N): "Right, everyone, listen up! We need the defences back up and running! Nothing else gets finished until the defences are finished! Is that clear?!"

They all responded with "Yes, Sir." and those who were working on other things gathered up their tools and materials and left for the walls. (Y/N) smiled and left for Amnesty Tower with his team. Meanwhile, Teams Scarlet and VADT were working on the southern wall that led to the Main Avenue. This was the place where their transport ship had landed when they first arrived on the island. Vanessa's expert Dust manipulation in conjunction with her wand was greatly appreciated by her friends as they pieced the reinforced wall back together.

Tom: "You know what I'd like to do?"

Dick: "No, what?"

Tom: "I'd like to march down to Evernight Castle myself, stand under the balcony and shout "Heil Hitler!" at Spectre. I'll even do the funny walk, the stupid one they used in Fawlty Towers. This one, look."

Tom then split off from the group to perform the German Nazi walk from Fawlty Towers, invoking hysterical laughter from his friends and the other students working around them. Once he was done, they were all giggling like children. Morale was surprising high those days, despite the destruction caused by the Imperial Integrity Division. The bond that everyone in Amnesty Academy shared was on full display; everyone was there for each other. As a result, spirits were high and resilient. Amnesty Academy would rise from the ashes of battle and fight another day. A while later, Sonic began whistling a tune he remembered from his childhood.

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