Volume 7, Chapter 9 - "A Ghostly Showdown"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

Every blow, every strike, every clash, they created shockwaves in the air! Spectre and I had commenced with our battle inside the city of Vale. Our rivalling blades met each other at speeds unseeable to the untrained eye with insane precision. I had never concentrated more on duels than the ones I had with him. I couldn't explain it in words; every time we fought, and I am certain that this was the same for him, there was always a great urge building inside of me to finally show Spectre that I was the better warrior - all other concerns seemed to disappear like fading mist. The fact that I could not suspend myself in the air, or in layman's terms, fly, put me at a disadvantage since it meant that Spectre was leading in manoeuvrability, but I kept up with him nonetheless. The clanging sound of the colliding metal was deafening. But, I could not drag this out; I had to end this quickly. I subconsciously knew that Spectre was finally taking our duels seriously and any attempt to get him off-balance would result in failure, so I waited for an opportunity and jumped away. And, while I was backflipping in the air, I ignited the Dust in my sleeves.

(Y/N): "Phantom Flare!!!"

I fired the multi-coloured stream of energised Dust at Spectre but his reaction time was phenomenally quick! He dodged it with milliseconds to spare! I fired another stream and this time, it hit! However, Spectre had purposely stood in the way of the beam and began pushing against it with his swords! As I kept on firing, the energy was being absorbed into his Aura! I immediately seized fire once I realised that, but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, I was thrust at supersonic speeds into the city square by Spectre's kick, so far that I ended up in the sea just outside of Vale Harbour! After I had swum to the surface, I conjured a glyph to allow me to stand on the water. Then, once Spectre was in range, I forced myself into the air with that glyph, collided with his blades, and then sank back down to stand on another glyph. This zigzagging tactic continued for a while before Spectre twirled his blades a certain way and forced mine out of my hands before pushing me away to painfully crash onto the harbour, leaving a small crater in the ground due to the force of the impact! He seized the opportunity by firing a barrage of dark, chaotic energy spheres at me! Luckily, I was able to deflect them, but I did have to move to the entrance to the harbour to avoid the second sequence of blasts. I was about to charge in again when I heard loud noises behind me - the sounds of rolling tracks, whirring engines and heavy boots. Spectre mockingly pointed behind me. I turned to find the entirety of the Imperial Integrity Division's arsenal in front of me: its soldiers, its air fleet and its enormous combat vehicles!

(Y/N): "You cheater!"

Spectre: "Hey, I've got a military. Why not use it?"

Once Spectre had given them the signal, the robotic army began to mercilessly fire upon me without any disregard for damages or public safety! All they were concerned about was eliminating me! My escape was perilous; the countless energy blasts that came from Spectre flying overhead did not help either. Once the army began firing, I immediately activated my Semblance, replicating Petal Burst, and did my best to outrun the blaster fire! I ran on one of the walls, deflecting two energy sphere, used a glyph to propel myself underneath the legs of one of the SPYDER-Mk1's, and rushed forward! As I was running, I noticed that hundreds of turrets and missile launchers were raised from the buildings!

(Y/N): "He's turned the whole Kingdom into a weapon!"

I had to get off the ground! Then, all of a sudden, all six new versions of the Atlesian Paladin, the white, upgraded versions for the I.I.D known as Valkyries - I found out the names of all of these robots and machines much later but there's no point in keeping that from you so I'm going to tell anyway - dropped down from the sky! They were all holding different weapons and had different designs of paint on their trims to differentiate between them. The Standard version was completely white with a massive blaster rifle in its hands; the Brute had brown trims and held a shotgun loaded with earth Dust; the Ignis had red trims and held a flamethrower; the Kelvin had cyan trims and held a freeze ray powered by ice Dust; the Hawk had green trims, was equipped with a jetpack that could only be used in short bursts and held a sniper rifle in its arms; and finally, the deadliest of them all, the Peacemaker had gold trims and held an immense minigun! I stopped dead in my tracks as they began to fire upon me, causing havoc in the streets as they chased me down the street!

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