Volume 11, Chapter 2 - "Parents' Evening"

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[A/N]: I feel quite nervous about this chapter because of one particular aspect of it. You'll find out what that is when you read on. When you do, before you say anything, please finish the chapter and read the AN at the end, where I'll explain my reasoning for adding it. Well... here goes.

(Y/N's P.o.V)

(Y/N): "YOU'RE REVENANT?!?!?!"

Yes, you heard me right! Master Revenant, the legendary Ghost of Remnant, an otherworldly warrior and the one who was training me was my own father! As soon as he and Glynda rushed to each other on the main avenue, I demanded an explanation so we all went up to the Headmaster's Office for a long-awaited talk. And, the first thing that Dad told us was that he was the one under Revenant's mask all along! He even pulled out Horoscope and his mask to prove it! The rest of us were stuck in a state of shock. We didn't know what to think.

Dad: "Surprise."

That prompted my mum and me to burst out into a fit of rage and start pelting my dad with anything we could find! Books, stationary, I even threw some of the furniture at him! Our confusion only fueled our anger at him keeping this massive secret from us, his family, his flesh and blood! Glynda caught most of what was thrown with her telekinesis while my team, Team JNPR and Ruby held me back while the others held back my mother.

Glynda: "Could you please refrain from destroying my office?!"

Dad: "Have you two calmed down now?!"


Dad sighed and sat down on the desk, finally giving us an explanation.

Dad: "Okay... prepare yourselves for a very big info dump. It all started back when I was seventeen years old. I was on my way home from school, taking a shortcut through the graveyard like usual when suddenly a series of freak lightning strikes hit all around me and I was sucked up into the Dimension Storm like you were, (Y/N). When I came to, I woke up here. Wherever here was. But, I wasn't the only one there. Someone else had been sucked into the storm as well and as luck would have it, he landed right next to me. We become part of Ozpin and Glynda's team when we attended Beacon Academy. Oh! And, speaking of..."

Dad then reached into his pocket and pulled out a framed photo. It was a photo of him as Revenant, a younger Ozpin, a younger Glynda and the Blackbird stood together in front of Beacon Academy, dressed in their uniforms. Ozpin was rather short compared to the rest of them - he must have had a massive growth spurt at some point - and he had a bright, honest smile. Glynda looked completely different. Her hair was frizzy and messy, she had no glasses on and her uniform was scuffed and dirty. She also had a wide grin on her face. He passed it over to Glynda, who smiled in a nostalgic daze at the photo.

Glynda: "Oh, my Gods... I haven't seen this photo in twenty-five years. Hehe! Would you look at me then?"

Then, Glynda saw her reflection in the frame's glass and her smile dropped a bit. Honestly, I could not see what she was put off by.

Glynda: "Oof. Would you look at me now?"

I looked at my dad and sighed. I stared at the floor for a while before looking up again.

(Y/N): "Why didn't you tell me you were Revenant?"

Dad: "You didn't ask."

(Y/N): "I'm serious, Dad. How could you keep that secret from us? Especially since I was learning under you."

Dad: "The less you two knew, the better. I wanted you to have plausible deniability."

Mum: "(D/N)."

Dad: "I'm sorry, (M/N)... I was afraid that if my secret got out, you might be put in danger. And, as strong as you are, (Y/N), you aren't strong enough. Believe me, I know."

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