Important Notice!!! FAQ

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For any of you new readers, this is VERY IMPORTANT!!! I get asked these questions a lot so I'm just going to put them here so that I don't have to explain them to any new readers.

What does Y/N look like?

Take a look in the mirror Remember that Y/N is a real life human being from Earth and the characters in RWBY look like Anime characters. So, Y/N is the only realistic (detailed) person in Remnant. He looks exactly like you do in real life, just wearing the clothing described.

P.S. (05/10/2020): No cheating. The whole real-life look concept is a key plot point; you can't just look like an anime character, otherwise, some aspects of the plot won't make sense. I've seen a lot of comments like this and I'm sorry but it just won't work. If you want to make your character look different, that's fine with me but he has to be a real life person (Earthling) with real life features. Just had to emphasise that point.

Who is/are the love interest(s)?

I don't know. I'm not focusing on that, I'm focusing on plot and character development. Don't be put off by this, there is going to be romantic moments between Y/N and the characters but only when it's most appropriate. I just don't want this to be a 'f*** everything that moves' story, that's all.

Anyway, I'm writing this at 11:50 pm right now and I'm super tired so I'm gonna have to leave you here. If anyone else has any questions in the future, tell me and I'll put them in here under the subheading 'New additions'. I hope I've cleared some things up for you all. See you later.

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