Volume 5, Chapter 10 - "A Night Out"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

I was on the phone to (BF/N); he was having girl troubles and I just wanted to check up on him to see how he was. When I first heard what was going on between him and his girlfriend of the time, I believed it to be remarkably ludicrous. Still, he was my best friend, he was feeling a bit depressed about it all and I needed to be there for him; I had to help in any way I could, however, my tendency to point out how absurdly people behave... I just can't control myself. Luckily, Mum and Blake were sat down in the kitchen to make sure I kept in line, although, I'm not sure how they thought that would work because they couldn't hear what (BF/N) was saying to me.

(Y/N): "What did you say just now? You dreamt that you were drowning last night? Is that your gentle way of admitting that you wet the bed?"

(BF/N): "No, it's not! I'm just feeling a bit blue, that's all."

(Y/N): "Honestly, (BF/N), you make my teeth itch. I've told you before and I've told you again! Go and phone her!"

(BF/N): "She knows I won't phone her first."

(Y/N): "How? Did you tell her that you wouldn't phone her first?"

(BF/N): "No."

(Y/N): "No? Well, give her a call and tell her."

(BF/N): "Oh, that's just stupid."

(Y/N): "No, it's not! It's no more stupid than the mood you're in. Honestly, why is it whenever you're getting your end away, the skies are blue, the lager's cool and the birds are singing songs of peace and joy. And now, just because some chick with fat thighs has broken up with you, you're in a fit of depression!"

(BF/N): "She has not broken up with me! Catherine and I are just having difficulties getting things together between us. So, my friend, Finley Roberts, now he's lived with a woman."

I sniggered a little at what he had just told me. I heard a lot of stories about that guy and they weren't desirable, to say the least.

(BF/N): "He advised us to have a two-week trial separation."

(Y/N): "A two-week trial separation? Come on, you've only known her for two weeks! What is it then, a fortnight on and a fortnight off like sentry duty? Hehe."

(BF/N): "I'm not going to phone her, (Y/N), and that's the end of it. Plenty more chicks around."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah. You know, I think that your best bet is to have a blind date with a Samaritan. Ha-ha!"

(BF/N): "I'll survive, (Y/N). And, Catherine has not got fat thighs."

(Y/N): "She's got fat thighs!"

(BF/N): "She has not!"

(Y/N): "She has! Look, I was down the nightclub on the corner last night and either she's got fat thighs or she was dancing the night away in a pair of jodhpurs!"

(BF/N): "Wait! Catherine was out dancing?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah. She was out with your buddy, Finley Roberts, as a matter of fact."

I waited for a response but nothing came. I called out his name to check if he was still there but then I heard the beeping of the phone notifying me of the end of the call. I rolled my eyes and put the phone down, setting myself down at the table.

Mum: "That didn't sound too good."

(Y/N): "It's just another one of (BF/N)'s moments. You just wait, he'll be fawning over some other girl before the day is out."

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