Volume 3, Chapter 2 - "Participating"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

I was sat in my dorm room with Ryan, he was looking out of the window at the Amity Colosseum that had recently flown into Vale whilst I was looking at some photos on my phone (I managed to find it from the wreckage of one of the buildings during the breach. It was most likely that the pawn shop I traded it in at was destroyed). The Amity Colosseum was like an inverted cone in shape and, at the bottom, was an enormous Dust crystal, possibly used to power the engines that kept it airborne.

Ryan: "Whoa... the Amity Colosseum really is something, isn't she?"

(Y/N): "Uh-huh."

Ryan: "What I wouldn't give to fight in the Vytal Festival Tournament."

(Y/N): "Ryan, for the thousandth time, we are not taking part in the tournament and you know why."

Ryan: "Yeah, yeah, evil people do evil things there. What's that you're holding?"

(Y/N): "Nothing, just my phone."

Ryan: "Your what?"

(Y/N): "Earth equivalent of Scrolls."

Ryan: "Whoa, that thing's ancient! What are you looking at?"

(Y/N): "Just some old family photos, my dad put them on there for me when I first got my phone."

Ryan: "Who's that?"

Whilst looking over my shoulder, he pointed at a small boy with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. I smiled when he motioned to him.

(Y/N): "Me aged ten."

Ryan: "Wait! That's you? God, you changed."

(Y/N): "That's because I grew up."

I then swiped left on my phone, bringing up the next picture; a picture of a woman.

Ryan: "Who's that? Old girlfriend?"

(Y/N): "Ha! Hardly!"

Ryan: "Ah, I see. Not your type, eh? Silly old trout like that."

Feelings of anger started bubbling up inside of me when he said that.

(Y/N): "She's my mother!"

I heard Ryan choking on his own breath when I informed him of this, he started stuttering as he tried to save himself but I cut him off.

Ryan: "Oh crap... uh... d-dude? I- um... I-"

(Y/N): "Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Just then, the door opened and Christine poked her head through it.

Christine: "Are you two gonna be much longer? The tournament's about to start. If we don't go soon, we'll lose our seats!"

Ryan: "Okay then, Kris. We're coming."

(Y/N): "You guys go on ahead, I've got some homework to finish. Don't worry, I'll catch up."

Ryan: "Okay but don't be too long, it's Team RWBY's match."

(Y/N): "But I already know how it ends anyway."

Ryan: "Yes, but-"

Christine: "If you don't come out now, we're leaving without you!"

Ryan: "Uh. Okay, uh, see you in a bit, dude."

I smiled, chuckling a little as I watched them leave the room, letting the door slide shut behind them; a moment of pleasurable silence drifted through my ears.

(Y/N): "Remnantians... God... what a stupid term. Hehe."

I found myself staring at the photos on my phone; tears started running down my cheek, my lips formed into a sad smile. Oh, how I missed everyone. People say that they miss their loved ones whilst they're in another country or on holiday but you never really know what it's like to miss someone until it seems impossible for you to see them again. I put my mask on to cover up the tear stains - I was worried that someone might've been watching as they had not locked the door - and, after putting my phone away in my bedside cabinet, I pulled out my Scroll and opened up the document that Glynda had sent to me as part of my combat courses: a plethora of diagrams, descriptions and video clips, along with a simple statement from her that said 'I want you to become fully versed in blocks and parries. Get as far as you can with these. I will be calling you to the front to take part in the sparring in class tomorrow. Do your best.'. I picked up Requiem's scabbard from the stand that I had put on the wall for it, unsheathed the blade and then started to study the document. However, I couldn't remember a damn thing when I tried to do it from memory. Then, I got an idea.

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