Volume 5, Chapter 6 - "The Blackbird's Betrayal"

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(Qrow Branwen's P.o.V)

It was around eleven-thirty at night, it was raining. As soon as I had recovered from the poison that had infected me during the last fight I had with that... monster, I immediately grabbed Harbinger and left Mistral to search for the kids after I had heard Spectre's broadcast. I tried to get back out in the field sooner but they wouldn't let me out, said I was too weak to leave my room. Once Spectre had taken control of Remnant, the concentration of Grimm in the countryside and the number of Grimm attacks on settlements had reduced to a minimal level. I supposed that it would be pretty stupid if Spectre made the Grimm attack the Remnantian people after he had managed to get them on his side. Not everyone was backing him though, there were still people like me, Ironwood, Glynda, those kids from Team Caliber, along with many others who disagreed with the idea that Spectre was selling to the planet. If you ask me, using the powers of darkness to keep society safe and strong is a terrible idea; there's no telling what could happen if those hellish forces grew too strong but nobody was wise enough to see that. A small resistance of those who opposed Spectre was formed in secret soon after his takeover of Remnant and it was run by those Team Caliber kids. Once I was back out in the field, I searched high and low for Ruby and her friends but my searches consistently led to no avail. It was like they had disappeared off the face of the planet! And, after realising that, I concluded that was exactly what had happened once I remembered that Spectre said something during his broadcast about sending people to an alternate dimension and realised that those 'Dimension Storms' he let blow into the Kingdoms must've had something to do with that. I soon figured out that Spectre must've sent them away if they weren't dead already. I refused to give up hope so I decided that I would sneak into Evernight Castle, find whatever he used to create that storm and go looking for them. The storm outside was lethal that night so I paid for a room at the local inn for the night. Before I walked in though, I could hear the sound of a bird cawing at me from the forest. I shrugged it off and walked inside. Once I had set myself up with a room, I sat myself down at the bar, bought myself a drink and walked over to one of the more secluded booths at the back of the room; I needed a little time to myself. However, that short moment of peace was soon interrupted.

Raven: "We've got to stop meeting like this, brother."

Qrow: "I thought I heard something, should've known it was you."

Raven: "What? No hello?"

I sighed as my sister sat herself down at my table and placed her mask upon it, taking another shot of my whiskey after I had spoken to her again.

Qrow: "Hello, Raven. Now, what do you want?"

Raven: "Is it illegal for a good sister to check up on her brother? To make sure he's safe?"

Qrow: "Not that I know of but that's not what you're here for, isn't it?"

Raven: "You're so difficult sometimes, Qrow."

Qrow: "As they say, nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Hehe."

Neither of us said anything more after that; it was awkward, to say the least. I took another shot from my drink and motioned with my other hand for Raven to speak.

Raven: "So, you're leaving?"

Qrow: "Yes, I have to."

Raven: "Do you now?"

Qrow: "Come on, Raven. You heard what Spectre said in his broadcast, those kids are out there somewhere and could be in danger. I'm going to find them and bring them home, I would never forgive myself if Ruby or any of the others were harmed because I did nothing."

Raven: "Is that so? Then, just how are you going to get into one of those storms? Ha! As far as I know, the only machine that can generate a storm of that intensity is inside Evernight Castle."

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