Volume 3, Chapter 11 - "Our Time is Up"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

Let's just say that the last failure made me quite depressed. So, I decided to go to Junior's Club and drown myself in drink until I couldn't stand. As I watched the news report saying that the Vytal Festival will continue as planned, I started throwing tiny crisps at the television while Junior wasn't looking. I must've guzzled down at least twelve drinks in the last quarter of an hour, I was worse than Qrow back then, and that's saying something.

(Y/N): "Junior, do you ever feel like everything you've tried in your life... has just led to one great big, monumental screwup?"

Junior: "No."

(Y/N): "Forget it, it doesn't matter."

I was about to pour myself another drink but Junior put his hand over the glass to stop me.

Junior: "Word of advice. Take it easy on this stuff, you've had twelve already. Maybe you should eat something first."

(Y/N): "No, thanks. I wanna get plastered as quickly as possible today."

Junior: "What's wrong?"

(Y/N): "Oh, nothing. Just mentally scoffing at the stupidity of the common denominator."

Junior: "Are you now?"

(Y/N): "I don't know. I just feel like... don't get me wrong, I love everyone at Beacon but... I feel as if I'm surrounded by idiots. Moronic, blind, adrenaline-junkies. And now, almost everyone has decided against me to allow this tournament to continue and... have put their lives in mortal danger."

Junior: "How so?"

(Y/N): "I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone, that's the problem. It's like I'm a ghost trying to warn a loved one about impending danger but no one can hear me because to them... I'm invisible."

Both of us remained silent after I said that. I took back the bottle and poured more of the drink inside it into my glass, resting my head on the bar once I had finished. As I stared at the golden elixir inside the glass, Junior let out a sigh.

Junior: "Well, I don't know why you can't tell anyone what you know but I do know this: any problem you have can be solved with a little hard work. Speaking of, don't you have a school to get back to?"

I suddenly remembered that I had classes that day! My sick leave was over and I had to get back to Beacon for my combat class!

(Y/N): "That's right! Oh, God! Miss. Goodwitch is gonna kill me! I've gotta go!"

I rushed out of the club, jumped into the Tachyon and started to drive it back to Beacon, all while feeling woozy from the alcohol. Drink and cars don't go together at all!


I burst through the doors of the classroom, only to find that once I had arrived, everyone was staring at me. I could tell that it wasn't because of me being late to the lesson but because of what I had tried to do the day before. I got my composure back together and sat down with my teammates once Glynda told me off for being late, stumbling a little as I walked down the steps to my seat. I could hear the quiet murmurings of my classmates as I was making my way back to my team.

Ryan: "Hey, man? You feeling alright?"

(Y/N): "It's nothing to worry a... about. I'm fine."

Ryan: "Is that alcohol I can smell on your breath?"

(Y/N): "What? O... Of course, not!"

Just then, the world around me started to spin a little. I rubbed my eyes and the rotation soon stopped. However, I couldn't concentrate on what Glynda was teaching us because I had lost my power to focus on anything. I could tell that my teammates were not fooled by my denial and their beliefs were further supported when I stumbled out of the classroom as if I only had one leg. At about half-past five, the sun was setting and was trying to comfort the kingdom of Vale by casting a warm orange glow over its lands. I had decided to take a walk around the campus of Beacon and get some fresh air, just to clear my head. I was sat on the floor with a notepad, writing down lyrics to a song I thought up while I was going through that sad phase. I started singing it to myself, crossing out lines that didn't fit the tune or just weren't good at all and trying to make those lines shorter.

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