Volume 5, Chapter 2 - "Haunters and the Haunted"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

All I could see was infinite darkness. I couldn't see, feel, nor hear anything, apart from the voices inside my head. Each one I heard tormented me further than the last, pushing me beyond breaking point! Even though I couldn't make out what they were saying, I knew what they were: the screams of the dead and dying; those that I saw fall to Death's icy grip, all the defenceless people I saw die right in front of me!

(Y/N): "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!!!"

I suddenly awoke from my nightmare to find myself in my room again. When I looked at my clock, I discovered that it was seven in the morning by the time I had awoken. The sunlight gently kissed my half-naked body as I struggled to pull myself out of my bed. I threw open the curtains, not caring whether anyone saw me shirtless or not, all I could think about was my latest nightmare. I had been experiencing nightmares every night for the past week, however, this one was the worst one yet. I decided to take a warm bath to relax for a while before I went downstairs. However, I looked at my phone as I was waiting for the water to fill up the bathtub and I saw a news article that almost made me drop my phone!

(Y/N): "N-No..."

The group of thugs that I had been told about had been reported to have gone missing and the only piece of evidence that the police could gather was a single dead white rose petal!

(Y/N): "W-Was that... m-me?!"

I did the first thing that came to mind and went to hold the cross pin; it wasn't there. I turned off my phone and hurried into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I didn't want to think about what I had just seen. Next, I stripped off and gently got into the hot water. As I relaxed into the water, I let the warmth coming from it soothe my tense muscles as I stared at the ceiling of the room that had been painted in steam.

(Y/N): "I don't remember leaving the house last night... could it have been me? Does someone else have similar powers to me?"

My eyes then trailed to my body once I placed my hands on it. I noticed that something was different about it; I had abs. Not too much but just enough. I assumed that they must've developed while I was being trained. It was baffling to me how I didn't notice them before. I chuckled to myself and smiled.

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm hot. Hehe."

However, I then realised that I had only been training for a year or so and if that's what happens after one year, I assumed that the others must've been monsters! But then, I thought that because their races were used to it, their bodies weren't put under the same strain as I was. My thoughts soon turned complicated and I thought that it was best not thinking about it. I then stared at my reflection in the mirror for a while.

Phantom: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "AH!!!"

I jumped back from the sudden shock and hit my head on the tiled wall behind me. I groaned as I held my head in pain, scrambling out of the bath with a towel around me.

Meanwhile in Remnant...

(No one's P.o.V)

All four councils of the Kingdoms of Remnant, along with the Headmasters of all the Huntsman academies across the planet, including Glynda Goodwitch, who was acting Headmistress at the time, and General James Ironwood, the Headmaster of Atlas Academy, had been called to a meeting in the Huntsmen Briefing Room of Atlas Academy. The CCT terminals had been moved to make way for the person who was addressing the councils: Spectre. He and the members of the Sovereign Assembly were present at the meeting, his council members standing beside the walls all around the room. Glynda and Ironwood kept Spectre in their sights as he addressed the councils and the Headmasters, both of which did not know who he was.

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