Volume 2, Chapter 6 - "Fire Drill"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

It was Saturday, one day before the day of the dance, so we agreed to help put up the decorations with some of the other students in preparation for the event. My team and I had the pleasure of lighting the candles and putting up the streamers by using wobbly ladders, sharp nails and a simple hammer. These, along with another potentially dangerous item, was left in our hands so, being the silly kids we were, it was obvious that something was gonna go wrong... although, it was a lot worse than I expected it to be.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth."

I looked down diagonally to my right for a moment and saw that Weiss was trying to get Ruby, who looked as miserable as sin, to pick out a tablecloth from two identically-coloured square sheets.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss: *sighs* "I don't even know why I asked!"

As Weiss walked away frustrated from Ruby's question, I noticed the part of the day that I had been dreading ever since we had been told that we would be on ladders: Yang was about to set down the gigantic speaker she was carrying and cause the room to shake in the process!

(Y/N): "Ryan! Speaker!"

We both prepared ourselves for this moment, even giving each other a key word to say when we had to brace ourselves.

(Y/N): "Please set it down gently..."

The miniature earthquake came with no mercy, we were wobbling like weebles as we held on for dear life.

(Y/N): "I don't think that woman has the word 'gentle' defined in her dictionary."

Ryan: "You still standing, dude?"

(Y/N): "I'm good. Come on, let's get this finished."

The Beacon Academy Ballroom was actually quite tall, even though it didn't really look as tall or large in the show, which meant that we were standing on quite tall ladders to compensate for the room's height. We were told that we had to nail down the streamers in the corners of the room and guide them across the room to the other corner so that they made a sort of 'X' shape as they crossed each other. Unfortunately, even with the ladder, I had to stand on my toes in order to reach the corner. I gave my final instructions, that would assure my safety, to Ryan over Scroll whilst he was holding the other end of the streamer at the other side of the room.

(Y/N) (Scroll): "Alright, Ryan, I am now going to stand on my tiptoes and put up the streamer, which is sort of on the dangerous side."

Ryan (Scroll): "Yes, I understand that."

(Y/N) (Scroll): "Yes, so it's pretty freakin' important that you do not put up or, worst of all, pull your end of the streamer until I say 'now'. Is that clear?"

Ryan (Scroll): "Crystal, man."

(Y/N) (Scroll): "Good."

I stretched my body upwards as far as it would go. As I was about to hammer in the nail, a voice shook me off balance and almost made me fall backwards off the ladder!

Sun: "Yo, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Huh? Sun? Oh, sorry, man, I didn't see you there. Hi, Neptune!"

Ryan: "Hey, dudes."

Suddenly, I felt a jerk on the streamer and I was sent flying through the air! Ryan had lifted his hand to wave but he did it a little too quickly and pulled me off the ladder! I grabbed a hold of a small ledge, which was just a border along the wall nearest to the ceiling.

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