Chapter 1: Summer Nights

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I was flying through the air as fast as I could. Sweat dripped down my forehead, but the breeze on my face canceled it out. The golden snitch was only meters away, but still too far for me to reach, maybe if I moved forward on my broomstick...No, I soon realized my mistake. I reached too far forward and the broom started tipping over. I almost lost full control of my broom as is moved further down, near the forest bellow, but I quickly positioned myself the right way and pointed myself upwards. In doing so, I found the snitch was right in front of me and I quickly reached out and wrapped my fingers around it.

I smiled to myself, I was never that great of a seeker. My main position is keeper, but I'm a fair beater as well, chaser too, but never a good seeker. Unfortunately, I was alone, so no one was there to see my small victory, but I was still proud of myself.

On my way back home, I was sure to make myself invisible so the muggle houses down below wouldn't see me. I tried to fly as fast as I could in the breeze. Summer in the outskirts of Brighton wasn't terribly hot, but I had been practicing for almost two hours. Actually, I wasn't sure how long I was out, all I brought with me was my wand, the snitch and my broom, but I could see the sun was starting to set.

I landed in our backyard and made myself visible again, as to not surprise my family when I walked through our backdoor.

"You're back just in time!" Mum smiled as she saw my sweaty-self walk into the kitchen. The sweet smell of tomato sauce filled my house. Mum and Hugo were setting the table as dad cooked away.

"Wow, what's the occasion?" Mum got out our fancy plates that we only used when we had guests. And dad barely ever made pasta. Something was too perfect about this dinner.

"We're having the Potter's over tonight," Mum said.

I stood next to dad and peeked over his shoulder at the stove. "Want a taste?" He asked.

I nodded and he handed me a spoonful to test out for him. He was smiling at me patiently waiting for a positive reaction.

"It's really good dad."

"Yes, right answer, Rosie." He smiled.

"When are they coming?" I turned back towards mum.

"Seven," Hugo replied. I looked at the clock above the sink in our kitchen, which read 6:43. Which meant that I had less than fifteen minutes to change and get myself together. Ugh, next time I go out I need to bring a watch. "Also, I think Scorpius is with them."

"Scorpius?" I asked. Though I knew full well who he was. I just didn't know that he would be coming to our house. In fourteen minutes.

Dad perked up when he heard Scorpius's name too. But he wasn't happy to hear it like I was.

"Malfoy? Scorpius Malfoy?" He asked.

"What other 'Scorpius' do you know?" Mum asked.

"No one obviously. You know I almost feel bad for that kid. His dumbass father gave him the stupidest name ever."

"Ron." Mum looked at him sternly.

Dad turned back to the food and mumbled a few other curses to himself. Dad hates the Malfoys, everyone knows that they hate each other, but in my opinion, they are just childish. Uncle Harry has put his past disputes with the Malfoys behind him when my cousin, Albus, became best friends with Scorpius. Al, as we like to call him, is the only one in our family sorted into Slytherin, that's where he became friends with Scorpius. He's basically become part of our family ever since Al brought him to Christmas first year, and then every holiday after that.

I left them there and went upstairs to my room to change. I was drenched in sweat, but if I used magic, I could take a really short shower and be ready on time. I hate not being 17 yet, but by next summer I'll be fully able to use magic and I can't wait.

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