Chapter 3: Home Sweet Hogwarts

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The next week of summer seemed to fly by. We spent it like every other day this summer, together with family, until it was time for us to make the annual trip to London.

I eventually got my things packed in my truck, which was filled to capacity with almost everything I own.

Every year, dad likes to take the muggle car to King's Cross station for I trip back to Hogwarts, it's a tradition. We never really use the car for anything else, I'm not even sure dad uses it when we're at school either.

Hugo hates the car ride, gets impatient. Mum doesn't like it much either, but dad and I love the trip. He tries to make it fun by pointing out things he sees on the roads and listening to the muggle radio stations or the wizarding ones. I liked the trip because it was calming, and I liked to look out the window and watch the muggles that we passed.

My barn owl, Bert, chirped from his cage that I put in the middle seat of the car, between Hugo and I. He didn't stop chirping until a few minutes later we reached the station. The clock above read that it was 11:30, which means we made it with perfect timing.

The station was busy, but it was nothing compared to platform 9 ¾, which, once we got onto, was completely crowded with students and their families. A smile found its way onto my face. It may be crowded, but that's exactly the way I love it.

With every familiar face, I passed, was another wave or hello, but I was really looking for my two best friends, who I know I would find together. And I did. There they stood, Jenny Walters and Laura Flynn, two of my best friends.

I saw them before they saw me. Jenny, with her dark brown hair and dark eyes, stood on her toes searching the crowd. Laura, who seemed to have gotten even more beautiful than she already was, over the summer. Her long, wavy blonde hair was smooth and silky, I could tell just by looking at it. Her blue eyes met mine and she let out a squeal, followed by her and Jenny running towards me.

"Rose!" The both cheered. I opened my arms to hug them both at once.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" I said. "It's been too long."

I pulled apart from our group hug to see them up close. All three of us wore matching excited smiles.

"I have sooo much to tell you guys." Laura blurted. I looked towards Jenny knowingly.

Laura was a year older than Jenny and I. I knew her because she's in Gryffindor with me and I always looked up towards her. She was the free-spirited, loud, brave friend that everyone wanted. Not to mention that she was also very popular. Almost every guy at Hogwarts wanted to date her, she got asked out all the time, even when she had a boyfriend. She was extremely beautiful though, I understood why they liked her, and she didn't exactly let them down either.

Jenny and I both knew what it meant when she said she has something to tell us. It was most likely another summer romance of hers to gush about. It never bothered me or made me feel jealous though, I love Laura, admire her free-spirit, and I'm just so happy to see her beautiful face again.

Jenny was quite the opposite of Laura. She's quiet and shy, but not when she's passionate about something. I think that's the main reason she is in Ravenclaw. Jenny has her own, quiet beauty about herself, on the inside and out, that I admire about my friend.

You could say I am closer to Jenny since we see each other more often and are in the same year and share classes. It's more that I have this trust with her that is too strong to ever be broken, I couldn't say the same about Laura. She is the one who loves to gossip.

They're polar opposites as friends. Jenny good, Laura bad. I can go to each of them for different things and get the perfect answer. I think that's why we make great friends, because I have a little bit of both of them inside me, and differences are what make a friendship strong.

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