Chapter 5: Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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A few weeks had passed and the first Quidditch game of the year was coming up. James was working us every day for practice, which wasn't that unusual, but the match is against Slytherin, so we really want to win.

Though I love Quidditch, it's been horrible going every day. Especially now that I've been getting lots of homework in all my classes. It feels like I've done nothing but Quidditch and schoolwork lately.

On the day of the match, I was quite tired when I first heard Claire getting up in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all last night, mostly because I was nervous about the match.

"Rose, eat up I can't have my best keeper looking tired," James said pushing over a plate of food to me at breakfast. "We need to win today."

"I know, I know." I took a bite of my bagel. The great hall was loud as ever, the way it usually was on the day before a match and this being the first one, everyone was super excited.

I watched Al and Scorpius from the Gryffindor table. They were sitting with the rest of their Quidditch team, just like we were, with loads of people crowded around them on either side.

I was relieved of some nerves when Jenny came over to our table to wish us luck. "You'll do great Rose." She said.

"So you're rooting for Gryffindor then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Her eyes flickered towards the Slytherin table, but then right back at me as her cheeks flushed.

"Of course I'm rooting for Gryffindor." She grinned, shaking whatever thoughts were going through her head away.

"I wish that would make me feel better."

She put an arm on my shoulder and grinned. "Oh, you'll do fine."

When it was time for the match, the rest of the team and I, headed down to the changing rooms to get ready.

"Ready Rose?" Someone walked beside me. It was Liam Montague, one of our chasers. He was smiling a wide smile as he brushed his hand through his short brown hair.

I nodded reluctantly. "I think so, you?"

"I know so." He said. "And don't worry, you'll do great."

"Thanks." I grinned.

Once we were all changed into our robes and had our brooms ready, ponytails up, everything in order, James gave his usual pre-game speech. He always said something encouraging to each and every one of us and by the end, we were more than confident.

"We all good?" He asked when he was finished, the team cheered in response."Now let's get out there!"

We ran to the stadium as a team. The sound of cheers filled my ears and I couldn't help but to smile, I was back. James and Al shook hands, as captains, before the match and then both teams were up in the air.

I saw Scorpius waiting above the rest of us, he smiled back down at me. I couldn't really tell if it was a friendly smile or a 'we're-totally-gonna-beat-you' smile, but either way, I brushed it off and focused my eyes on the rest of the pitch, waiting for the whistle to be blown.

Once it was, the commentator, Darren Greenwald, started commentating. "And they're off!" He shouted excitedly. "Gryffindor chaser, James Potter has got the Quaffle and he's passing it to Emma Thomas. Oh, and Slytherin chaser Brian Milligan's got the Quaffle. Oi, look that buldger's going to hit Rose Weasley- no Fred Weasley has saved it. James Potter in possession again and GRYFFINDOR SCORES!" The crowd went wild. The rest of the game went mostly the same way.


The score was fifty to thirty Gryffindor and the Snitch was out.

"Louis Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy are neck and neck for the Snitch, they're so close! Oh but look there's that bludger again, I think it's out to get you Rose- Oh no! It's hit her off her broom!"

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