Chapter 33: Quidditch Cup

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I just had the weirdest dream of my life. I was in a duel with Claire, and then I lost. It seemed so dumb. I open my eyes and realize that I'm not in a bed or on a floor. I'm in the air.

No, literally, someone is carrying me. And they're running too because it's a shaky ride. Then I hear all the voices. 

"Quicker!" A girls voice. "She doesn't look good!"

"I know!" That comes from the person carrying me. It's Scorpius's voice. That makes me feel so much better about whatever is going on. Maybe this is just a dream too. 

"Her eyes just opened!" That one is Al. "Rose? Can you hear me?"

Yes, of course, I can hear you dumbass. You're the one shouting.

"Oh Merlin, please let her be okay," that's Jenny's voice. What is going on and why are there so many people running with us?

We make it into a room. I flickered my eyes open and see that we're in the hospital wing. Scorpius sets me down on a bed. Finally, it felt so much better to be lying down. That's when I felt the shooting pain.

"Ow!" I squealed. I opened my eyes now, but everything was happening so fast I could barely process it. 

Madam Pomfrey was at my bedside now, standing next to Scorpius who she kept pushing out of the way, so he moved over to the other side. Madam Pomfrey was holding a vial of some sort of potion and practically forced it down my mouth.

"That's for the pain," she says, grinning sympathetically. 

After swallowing the potion, I lay back on the bed. Everything still hurts, but I very slowly feel the pain lifting. I get the chance to look around the room now. Everyone is here. Lily, Hugo, Fred, Al, Jenny, and of course, Scorpius. He's holding my hand tightly.

I look up at him, his head is right above mine. I'm so happy to see him, though I wish he would stop making that face. His eyebrows were crinkled on his forehead, and his eyes were wide open, kind of bloodshot too. He looked worried.

Lily was holding my other hand, and everyone was crowding around my bed. I wanted to tell them to move and say that I'll be fine, but instead I asked, "What's the matter?"

They all looked at each other. "Do you remember the duel, Rose?" Fred asks. He's standing by my feet. So it wasn't a dream after all. 

I nod. Then I almost jump off the bed, but the pain pulls me back down. "Where's Laura and James?" I panic.

"After you fell to the ground, Laura kind of attacked Claire," Hugo tells me. "It was awesome."

"Yeah, and James is with her, but the rest of us ran to you and brought you here," Jenny says. "Are you okay?"

I attempt to shrug. "It really hurts," I yawn. "And now I'm tired."

"We should let her sleep," Al says. They all nod in agreement and shuffle out of the infirmary, saying their goodbyes. Except for Scorpius, who is still holding my hand and is now sitting at my bedside. He's resting his chin on the bed.

"That was absolutely terrifying," he says. "Seeing you, like that."

"I'm sorry," I joke. I know that if the roles were switched though, I would probably be a mess.

"You were screaming in pain, and there was nothing I could do," he says. His eyes start watering up and I watch as a single tear rolls down his cheek. He looks down, avoiding my eye. 

I turn on my side and bring my hand up to his face. I brush away the tear with my thumb and smile at him. "It's over now," I say. "See?"

He gives a weak grin and meets my eyes again. 

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