Chapter 66: Back To You

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It was that time of year again when everyone was getting all sappy. I had to help set up decorations in the great hall one night on McGonagall's orders. But the thing was, I couldn't care less about it being Valentine's Day.

It's just a lame excuse for people to waste their money on mediocre boxes of chocolates and start brewing love potions. It has been absolutely insane, the number of people I saw lingering around that section of the library this week.

At dinner one night, I sat at the Slytherin table with the others. It's been a few weeks since I've sat here, so I figured it wasn't too big of a deal. Besides, McGonagall wasn't there tonight to check.

"It's a shame Valentine's Day is on a weekday this year," Jenny points out, leaning into Al. That's the other thing. All couples start getting gushy with too much PDA around this time of year. "I want to spend the whole day with you."

I roll my eyes, finishing up my food while I still had an appetite.

"It's okay, I'll see you right after classes and spend the whole rest of the day with you," Al assures her.

I scoff to myself, or so I think as them and Scorpius look up at me.

"What's wrong Rose?" Jenny sighs. "You getting all whiney about Valentine's Day again?"

"I am not whiney!" I protest.

"Yes you are," Scorpius says. "And you basically do it every year."

"Oh, shut up Malfoy," I kick him under the table. "I haven't said one complaint yet."

"Yeah, emphasis on yet," Al says.

"Sulk all you want Rose," Jenny says. "But whatever you do, don't ruin it for Lily, look at her," she nods over toward the Gryffindor table where Lily is hard at work on her custom Valentines that she makes every year. "You know how much she loves it."

"I know, I'd never do that," I explain. "It's just a stupid excuse for a holiday and that's all."

Scorpius shakes his head at me, his mouth curved into a slight grin.


The next day, when it actually is Valentine's Day, Lily is out up and out of bed by the time I wake up. She's likely started on distributing her valentines.

I suppose that's one plus of the day--Lily's valentines. I still have the ones from years ago, since she started doing this when she was nine. She puts so much effort into them every year, always doing something different, yet still special and thoughtful. She really is the kindest and most selfless person I know.

It's still early enough, so I have time for a quick shower to wake myself up. After I finish, I wrap a towel around myself and use the mirror to clean up my face and brush my teeth and start on my makeup. Just as I do, there's a loud knock on the door coming from Scorpius's side.

"Rose? Are you done yet?" He asks. "I need to brush my teeth."

"That's what I'm doing," I say, just as I squeezed out some toothpaste.

Scorpius takes that as an open invitation to open the door and walk right in, as I'm standing there in nothing but a bath towel and wet hair.

"What the hell?" I exclaim. "I'm kind of in here."

"It's my bathroom too." He walks right up to the sink and looks at me through the mirror. He's wearing his school shirt and hasn't managed to get to the buttons yet, so I can see the sliver of his chest that is peeking out of it.

He starts brushing his teeth and smirks at me through the mirror. I'm still in a bit of a shock of him bursting in here while I just got out of the shower but also not completely surprised that he did.

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