Chapter 24

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Dear Mum,

The two words I had written mocked me as I stared at my piece of parchment. I didn't know what to tell mum or where to start, but I knew that she would be expecting a reply to her letter soon.

"Whatcha writing?" Laura threw herself onto the bed beside me, stomach first. We were hanging out in Jenny's room one afternoon, just the three of us.

"I'm trying to write a letter to my mum," I said. Jenny was listening from where she was, leaning over her trunk and searching for clothes or makeup.

"Did you tell her about you and Scorpius yet?" She asked.

I slammed my quill down. "No, but did he tell you to say that?"

She turned around and sat facing us from the floor. "Well, he mentioned something in Astronomy today about sending letters home. He asked me if I had told my aunt about Al and me."

"That's different though," I said. Jenny only lived with her aunt. She doesn't have dozens of cousins surrounding her from all angles, watching her every move. I love my cousins, but it's not easy to keep a secret in my family.

Especially if it's a special secret, one that means a lot to you. One that you want to wait for the exact perfect moment to tell someone so that it will be just as important to them as it is to you.

"Plus, you've been with Al longer than she's been with Scorpius," Laura mentioned.

"True," Jenny shrugged. "But I know that for him to open up to his mum is a big deal. He just isn't sure that you're making it as big a deal as he has."

"I am!" I argued. "Just because I wanted to wait for a good moment to tell my mum doesn't mean I don't love him!"

I watched as Jenny and Laura exchanged a glance, Laura adding in an extra eye-roll. "Rose, you are overreacting," she said through an amused smile.

Jenny's response was quite different. "You love him?" Her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. Now the both of them stared at me for an explanation while I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Well, yeah." I avoided eye-contact. The second I looked up I saw both of their beaming faces.

"You should start your letter with that," Jenny said, going back to her scrambling in her trunk.

Dear Mum,

Before I get into everything with Claire, I just wanted to mention that Scorpius Malfoy and I started dating. I know you probably heard this from someone else already, but it's important you hear it from me too. It's kind of- well it does- mean a lot to me.

I decided that I was going to tell mum a few of the things that have been happening with Claire while leaving out some other things. I didn't want to write it here though. The only people I planned on showing the letter I received from Mum was Al and Scorpius. I don't want to risk that information falling into the wrong hands, so I'm not telling anyone else.

Laura was lying on her back now, staring up at the ceiling with her hands placed on her chest. "Am I an idiot?" She asked quietly.

"In what way?" Jenny said from her corner in the room.

"Meaning, was I an idiot with James? Do you think I was overreacting yesterday?" She said it in a calm voice, which gave me the sense that she was still upset. Jenny must've gotten the same feeling because she looked at me with worried eyes.

"I don't think you were an idiot," I said first. "But maybe you should talk to him privately, you know? Like not in front of the whole school?"

"Oh shut up," She shoved me playfully.

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