Chapter 17: The Quidditch Queen

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The next morning in the Great Hall, I had this weird feeling that everyone was staring at me. I wasn't sure if they actually were or not, it just seemed that every time I looked up, there was another person watching me.

I was there alone, too early for everyone else to join me. I wrote a few letters with my time. One was for mum and dad, asking them how they were and telling mum what happened yesterday. I wasn't sure what to do about the whole situation, but I figured mum would and telling her wouldn't hurt.

Jenny was among the first to arrive and she sat next to me and dropped her books onto the table, rather abruptly.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Laura told me what happened last night."

"When did you even talk to her?"

"After you went to bed, I guess."

I looked down at my oatmeal and shoved it around in my bowl. "What did she tell you exactly?" I lowered my voice.

"Just that you were really upset and then went flying." Jenny looked really worried.

I shoved my letter to mum towards her. She furrowed her eyebrows and took the letter. I watched her eyes move quickly, as she read it. She looked up to me, her mouth hung open. "Oh my god."

Jenny set the letter down and moved closer to me for a hug. That's when the tears came to my eyes. I tried to calm myself down quickly, we were in the middle of the hall.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Rose." Jenny pulled away and I sniffled.

"I just want to forget about it. And him." I said. I looked towards the entrance and saw that Al and Scorpius were walking over towards us. I looked back to Jenny. "Oh also, Scorpius and I kissed."

I said it quickly before the boys walked over to us and wiped my tears away. Jenny's eyes went wide and she smiled this time, lighting up with excitement. "I knew it!" She exclaimed, then the boys sat down across from us and she lowered her voice. "I knew it."

Al was smiling widely at all of us. "Morning folks." He leaned across the table to peck Jenny and sat back down. His bright mood already cheered me up.

Scorpius on the other hand, looked worried, staring across the table at my tear-stained face. "Rose are you okay?"

"Mhm." I nodded, grinning at him. I finished writing my letters and sealed them, sending them back with Bert who had already been here to bring me a letter from Aunt Ginny.

After breakfast, we headed off to Potions. Al and Jenny walked hand in hand before Scorpius and I. He walked close next to me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me again when the other two were out of earshot.

"Something happened last night," I said, without looking at him. "After I saw you."

His eyes went wide before even hearing what I was going to say. "Was it Claire?"

I shook my head and looked at him this time. "It was Liam."

Scorpius's face went a shade pink, but not the same way it did when he blushed, this was an angry shade of pink. "What did he do?" He asked slowly and angrily. I saw his fists ball up and he was starting to scare me a little bit.

"Scorpius don't worry." I grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down, and pulled him over to the side of the corridor. There were lots of people walking past, most of them listening in.

"Why shouldn't I?" He said, raising his voice. His eyes seemed fixed on something. "What happened?"

I saw Al and Jenny turn around and walk over towards us. Jenny could tell what was going on, but Al looked confused. "What's going on mate?"

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