Chapter 15: The Monster

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On New Year's Eve, mum and dad hosted a small party at our house. They invited their friends and the family. The Longbottoms were there, as well as the Scamander family. Also the Potters, but that was a given.

I was hanging out with Lily and Hugo and the Scamander twins. They were all fourth years and chatting about classes and such. I noticed that Lily was sitting particularly close to Lorcan. Both of the Scamander twins were very shy, but Lorcan was less shy one. He was also a great photographer. I don't think I've ever seen him without that camera around his neck.

Jenny found me at some point and sat next to each other. I watched her as she sat, eager to see how long it would take for her to notice Lily and Lorcan. It wasn't long at all, before she even sat down she looked at me with question. I shrugged in response.

I didn't know what took them so long, but eventually Al, Scorpius, Fred and James came down into my basement, where we were hanging out. I couldn't help but notice how Lily practically jumped when her brothers came thundering down.

I caught Scorpius's eye and smiled. I hadn't seen him yet since the engagement party, but I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. I didn't tell anyone about it, not even Jenny or Lily. I was dying to see him today though, after all it is New Year's eve, and everyone knows what happens at midnight.

Judging by how calm Al was when he saw me, I guessed that Scorpius didn't tell anyone either. Al went straight to Jenny, forcing his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him. He planted a kiss on her cheek and her face turned red and she was laughing, but pushing him away. I knew she didn't like it much when Al kissed her in public, but I also knew that she really likes him, maybe even loves him.

I sighed. Jenny and I are in dire need of some alone time to talk about all of this drama.

Alice Longbottom smiled when she practically skipped her way down the stairs. She chose to sit in the empty space besides Scorpius. "So what's going on down here?" She asked eagerly.

Something about her made me scoff, unintentionally. "We're just hanging out." Scorpius replied to her. Her smile was much wider than necessary.

James and Fred came thundering down the stairs again, I hadn't even noticed that they left, but it did make sense why it wasn't so loud before.

"You guys." James was shouting, his voice sounding alarmed. Fred's expression matched James, and I wondered if they were genuinely worried about something, or if this was a prank.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I seemed to be the only one who noticed them.

"You have to see this." Fred said. "It's outside, we...saw something."

I rolled my eyes. "Is this some sort of prank?"

"No." James walked up to me and grabbed my hands. "Rose, I swear this is not a prank. Just come with us."

They were starting to scare me now, so naturally, I went with them. I checked to make sure I had my wand, where I kept it, sticking out of my boots. Everyone except the three of us, were still occupied in their own little conversations with one another.

"Hey!" I shouted that got their attention. "Is anyone else coming?"

Scorpius stood up after I directed the question mostly towards him. The four of us climbed the stairs and snuck past the parents to go out my back door.

"What are we doing exactly?" Scorpius asked once we went into my backyard.

"We're looking for a monster," Fred said.

"A monster?" I asked him. "Fred, there's no monsters out here."

"Ok, maybe not a monster the way you think of them, but we saw something moving in the bushes and behind the trees. Something dark but it had bright eyes."

Clueless {Scorose}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang