Chapter 70

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"Hey look, James is in the Quibbler!" I announce to everyone at breakfast. They all lean over to look at the picture of James on his broom and the article that sat beside it. Well, everyone except for Lily who had just opened up her own mail.

"Holy shit!" She nearly spits out her water at breakfast, causing every single one of us to jump.

"Are you okay?" I ask, instantly alarmed by what just happened.

She nods, then holds the letter she was reading out to me. That makes more sense. I don't even start reading it before Lily announces the contents of the letter. She shouts, "Vic went into labor!"

"Holy shit is right!" Al stands up in his seat and reaches across the table to grab the letter out of my hand.

"She's having the baby?" Hugo asks.

"Isn't it a bit early for that?" Jenny asks. I nod, Vic wasn't due for another couple of weeks.

"Who sent it?" Scorpius asks.

"Can I see the letter?" I insist. Once I grab it back from Al, Scorpius and Hugo read over my shoulder.


Hey, it's your mum, I have exciting news, Victoire went into labor! It happened about an hour ago (around 6 am) and she's in St. Mungos as we speak. It could be several hours until the baby comes, but we're all here waiting with our fingers crossed. Talk to you soon.

Love, Mum

"She could be having the baby as we speak," I say. "A new person could be coming into the family right now."

"Isn't that weird?" Al says. "We haven't added new people since...well since you guys," he points to Lily and Hugo.

"It's amazing," Jenny says.

"It is," I agree.

"Wait this means we can meet the baby at Easter break!" Hugo exclaims.  We all exchanged excited looks at this information.

"Just in time," I note.

For the rest of the day, all of us waited in anticipation for some sort of letter with news from the family. Teddy wasn't in the castle today, of course. I sat through every class with my leg shaking nervously. This was exciting. I wonder if it will feel this way when it's Lily's turn.

After my classes ended, I found Lily and Hugo and the three of us went up to the Owlery, just to check and then wait until someone sent us news.

We brought our homework so there was at least something to do, aside from looking up each time an owl came back from a trip to check if it was one of ours. Al and Scorpius showed up at some point.

Scorpius sat down next to me against the wall. I saw Lily glance our way. She's been doing that ever since I told her about us. "Whatcha working on?" He asks.

"Charms," I say.

"Still no news?" Al asks. All three of us shake our heads.

At around 5 o'clock, I recognize mum's owl when it lands on its perch in the Owlery. Hugo and I stand up at once to grab the note it held.

Hugo was closer and got to it first, I read over his shoulder. As soon as everyone else realized what it was, they did the same.

Hi kids, it's Hermione. I have some really good news, Victoire had her baby! It came as a big surprise to all of us since the baby came early. After a really long and stressful day, she and Teddy now have a beautiful baby girl! She doesn't have a name yet, but she is just so precious, we all can't wait for you all to meet her. More news to come soon! I hope all is well there, we'll see you next week.

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