Chapter 60: New Years Day

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A few days after Christmas, James did not forget about that quidditch rematch. He gathered up everyone to play a game even though it was freezing outside. I like to think he's so intense about quidditch because he misses playing with us, but I know it's because he's actually just like that all the time.

"Relax James, mum said I can still play for another few weeks or so," Lily explains to him after he suggests that she sit this game out.

We're playing at the Burrow, and I'm wearing about three layers of clothing, plus two pairs of fuzzy socks to keep myself warm. Our team is me, James, Fred, Laura, and Lily. The other side is Al, Scorpius, Mike, Craig, and Lyssander. For the sake of our little game, we've eliminated one of the beater positions and one of the chaser positions since we're low on people.

Jenny joined us, wearing her puffy winter coat and hat. "This is pretty stupid," she claims while waiting with me for everyone outside.

"We're going to have to play in this kind of weather anyway." I shrug.

Once everyone gets here with their brooms, James whistles, loud enough that it catches me by surprise and I jump a little. "Alright," he says, into the circle of us around him. The Slytherin side plus Lyssander are on one side, us on the other. I can't believe Al actually wore his school quidditch robes too. "It's regular rules, we have this side. When Jenny tells us to start, we go."

Jenny waves over from where she's standing by the house. Lorcan is here too, standing next to her he looks like a string bean. She actually looks adorable all bundled up, I giggle at the sight of her.

We start the game strong. I honestly don't know why Al thought that this would be an easy win for them. He's voluntarily pinned himself against two professional chasers that have been doing nothing but quidditch for the past four months. It seems like he was setting himself up to fail.

But the game isn't like that. Instead, it's just fun. Everyone is still trying to win, I mean we are all still competitive people, but the weight of 'who's winning' has been lifted. Even though, we do end up winning.

We all fly down to the grass and my hair is damp from the cool air, plus the bit of sweat dripping down my neck.

"I told you bro, we won fair and square." James throws his arm around Al as we walk back into the house. Jenny is holding the door open, eager to get inside.

"You guys must've taken something," Al says.

"It doesn't make sense," Scorpius says. "All the shots you took should've made it."

"But they didn't," I shrug, smiling smugly.

Laura shoves me from the side, smiling herself. "Oh, 'I'm Rose and no goal can get past me'," she says, making her voice more high-pitched than usual.

"I do not talk like that," I protest.

"I actually thought that was pretty good," Fred chimes in.

"Yeah me too," Al and James both agree.

"Well, I don't."

When we get inside, there's a pot of hot chocolate ready for all of us as we sit around the dining room table. Mike slides into the seat next to me.

"Nice game Rose," he says. "We haven't played you guys in forever."

"I know," I say. "Just wait until May."

"You mean when you won't have those three on your team?" He points across the table toward James, Fred and Laura.

"Oh shut up," I tease. He laughs, sipping from his mug.

Clueless {Scorose}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora