Chapter 21: Joanna

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I slapped the pile of articles on the Library table in front of Al and Scorpius. Both of them looked up at Laura and I, with questioning looks. We sat right down and began to tell them what we found.

As it turns out, Claire's mother is named Joanna Matthews and the reason there were so many articles about her, was because she's an ex-death eater. I didn't know how to feel about that fact at all, and then I saw a few articles talking about my dad and Uncle Harry. Apparently, it was once their job to try and track her down.

I told the boys what I had read so far. Laura and I didn't go into too much depth while reading in her dorm, but we got the general story. I couldn't read longer without telling anyone our big find.

Al grabbed the closest paper to him. "Oh my god, look it's dad," he turned the paper around to show us, pointing at the moving picture on the front. It was Uncle Harry from about twenty years ago and he was pointing his wand out in front of him. The headline to that paper read, 'The Boy Who Lived Strikes Again: Taking Out Voldemort's Servants'.

"Listen to this," Al started. " Harry Potter taking the wizarding world by storm yet again, but this time as an adult. The former wiz-kid himself has taken the role of an Auror, after the war, along with his friend and colleague Ronald Weasley. "

I perked up at the mention of my dad, Scorpius smiled at me. Al continued reading. " The two were sent on a mission to scope out one Joanna Matthews, a former worker for you know who during the war. She was not well known, as she was only a girl of fifteen when her master died. However, she has made it apparent that she is still faithful to him, even years after his death, by torturing several muggles in a London shop last month."

Al stopped reading after that but stared at the page with wide eyes. "Wow."

"What does it say after that?" I asked.

I watched as Al's eyes scanned the rest of the page. "Not much, just that dad and uncle Ron were working on the case."

"I can't believe they never mentioned this to us," I said. I made a mental note to write to dad later and ask him more about this. At least now I had an idea to why Claire hates me so much. And to think I shared a dorm with her for five years!

"Torturing muggles," Scorpius muttered, repeating what Al had read to us. "That's horrible."

"Looks like that's not even the worst of it," Al said, grabbing another newspaper from the pile. "Look at this one."

I grabbed the paper and read it.

"Joanna Matthews, Ex-Death Eater, was found near a muggle town after an attack had taken place there earlier that week. Matthews disapperated before reporters could find her, but there is significant evidence pointing to her taking a residency in the area after an attack on the community. Aurors, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter were sent to scope out the area where Matthews was last spotted and said they found a small shelter within a forest.

    'There was a crib, and it looked like there was a baby there recently.' Says Weasley. They believe that Matthews had given birth to a child a few months ago and was living in the small shelter with it.

'There was only room for one person and a baby, so she must have been by herself.' Potter tells us.

We are still left to question how this lead Matthews to attack a muggle town. Potter and Weasley believe it might have to do with the child's father.

    The tragic accident, taking place on March 14th, 2006, resulted in eleven deaths and many more wounded, or mentally scared muggles. Although there have recently been similar attacks like this, this one stands out due to the fact that Matthews was working solo. The Ministry is still unsure whether Matthews had help or not, but they do believe she was alone. More information yet to come..."

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