Chapter 22: Valentines

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Joanna Matthews, age 20, is a known Death Eater, more commonly known after the fall of Voldemort, for her attacks on muggle towns. She has been on the lose for three years.

     At age 17, Matthews left school to give birth to a baby. The father of the said baby is unknown, and the Ministry has been told that the baby, a little girl, takes her mother's last name.
     We at the Ministry assumed that Matthews disappearance was due to her leaving to take care of her baby. But yesterday, a wizard spotted her in his town. "She was wearing ripped black cloaks and had almost floor-length dark hair." Neville Longbottom tells us.

She did not attack the town, but it is still very suspicious as to why she was there. The ministry urges all witches and wizards to report any siting of this dangerous witch. We have seen this kind of magic before, but this catches the most attention because Matthews is very powerful for her young age.

There was more to the article but I stopped reading on. I was still shocked by the fact that I went on all these years not knowing that the girl I shared a dorm with, was the daughter of an ex-death eater.

"Do you think Claire's ashamed of her?" I was sitting on the floor in Al and Scorpius's dorm, between the two of their beds, with another one of Claire's articles. Al was with me on the floor and Scorpius was lying down on his bed with a book.

"I don't know," Al said. "Why do you think she had a hundred newspapers about her mom in her trunk?"

"It's really weird actually," said Scorpius. "She's probably had them in there all along. Have you ever seen her going through copies of the Daily Prophet?"

"No that I can remember," I said. "But she was always in our dorm when I wasn't. And she stayed up later than me."

Scorpius looked away from his book towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm so glad I'm out of that room," I sighed.

"Do you think she noticed the articles are gone yet?" Al wondered.

I shrugged. "If she did, she probably would've found me by now."

"Did any of these papers say anything about Azkaban?" Scorpius had set his book down on his bed to join us and shuffle through the papers I did have.

"No, that I know of.."

"You know who we should ask about this? I mean besides our parents," Al started. "Neville. He probably knows something about her and he's actually here."

"Alright, that sounds good. After Herbology tomorrow?" They agreed.


I was right about Claire. In the common room the next day, I was barely down the stairs with Laura when I felt a tug on my arm. I spun around fast to see the prickly-haired blonde shooting daggers at me.

"You little thief Rose Weasley," she huffed. "I know you're the one who stole from my trunk and you will pay for this."

"I don't know what you're talking about Claire," I said. "And even if I did no one will believe you over me." I turned away from her, and back down the stairs. Laura was waiting at the bottom of them watching me skeptically.

As I was walking away Claire uttered a few unpleasant words. "You just wait until I tell my mother, you bitch."

I paused slightly when she mentioned her mother, but continued walking. I couldn't let her think that I was scared in the slightest bit. Even though I have no clue what her mum is capable of.

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