Chapter 12: Christmas

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I got onto the train with Jenny. Lily said she was going off to find Hugo and the Scamander twins, but she could honestly be anywhere right now.

Thankfully, I hadn't seen Laura yet. I was hoping that she wouldn't sit with us on the train and that I won't see her at all.

I followed Jenny down the narrow isle between the train compartments until she found Al and Scorpius towards the end. They were the only two in there, and I was surprised by the quietness of the space that was unusual to me being on the train.

"Hey, you found us," Al said. Jenny plopped herself down right next to him and kissed him on the cheek.

I sat next to Scorpius but leaving much more space than there was between Al and Jenny. There was so much room for just two people.

I grinned at Scorpius, who nodded back. This was the first time I saw him since we almost kissed, but I didn't want to bring that up now. It didn't seem appropriate to talk about unless we were alone. Or just not talk about it at all.

He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. It was completely opposite from his usual, more formal way of dressing. I supposed he felt like dressing comfortably, like I did, for the ride.

"So Scorpius," Jenny said. "I hear you broke things off with Claire?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm so glad I did."

"Where's everyone else?" I didn't really care that I interrupted.

Al shrugged in response. "Dunno. I think I saw James and Fred with some people from their year."

"Laura?" He shrugged and I scoffed at just the thought of her right now. "Well, I like it with just the four of us. It's nice."

"Yup." They agreed.

We spent the rest of the ride chatting and eating. I was quite tired the whole ride, even though we weren't doing much of anything.

James and Fred stopped in at one point, so did Lily and Hugo, but both groups didn't stay long. Al and Jenny started acting flirty with each other at one point, which made me feel uncomfortable. I'm not a fan of PDAs. It was just Scorpius and me in there, but still, I think that should be a private thing.

Scorpius raised his eyebrows about them towards me. I giggled, but then stifled a yawn.

"Tired already, Weasley?" He smiled and so did I. I love it when he calls me Weasley.

"Yeah," I said.

"What were you up all night partying?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up," I said playfully. "Last night was...annoying." I hesitated to try to find the right word.

He frowned. "It was?"

I flushed when I realized what part of last night he was referring to. I wasn't too sure, I was surprised he would bring it up with Al and Jenny right across from us. Though I'm sure he probably told Al and I already told Jenny.

I saw his cheeks start to turn pink as he laughed nervously. "I didn't mean....that, I...never mind."

I smiled encouragingly. It was a sympathetic smile too because I've never seen Scorpius act that way before, uncomfortable and nervous. It was kind of cute.

We didn't really talk the rest of the ride since the four of us were sleepy and I decided to take a nap until we arrived at the station. I didn't know about the others, but it probably would have been hilarious if someone walked into our compartment and found us all asleep. 

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