Chapter 10: Dark Shadows

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James kicked Liam off the Quidditch team within two days, so we were down a beater, but our next game isn't until after Christmas, so we have some time to find one. Neville had asked why and James just told him that he wasn't playing fairly.

I hadn't seen Liam since the other night, but I could imagine that he would be pissed off about this. He didn't go telling any professors though, so I guess it wasn't that bad.

Practice ran smoothly without him, and Emma, the other beater, was doing just fine on her own. Plus, James was yelling less at us, so practice was quite enjoyable today.

After practice, I saw that Laura was waiting in the stands for me, so I went over to her, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Hey, you guys were great today." She said, smiling.

"Thanks." She stood up and walked with me, off the pitch.

"So do you think James is going to have tryouts for a new beater soon?"

I smiled at Laura excitedly. "Oh my gosh, are you thinking about trying out?"

She scrunched her nose up nervously. "Maybe?"

"Oh, that would be great!" I squealed.

James soon caught up with us, I was wondering how long it would take him to notice that Laura was here.

"What's so great?" He asked, falling into step with us and smiled as if he caught what we were talking about.

"It's nothing." Laura shrugged. I wondered why she didn't want to tell him. "We were just talking about how good you guys were playing today."

"Really?" James asked. "I thought we could have been better."

"No, you were great," Laura said. James blushed.

I was confused by where this conversation was going. It felt like they had forgotten I was there, even though I was walking right in between them. They had also been acting very nicely towards each other, unlike they usually do.

"I'm just going to wait for Fred, I'll see you guys later," I said, letting the two of them walk on their own. They mumbled goodbyes but continued on their way.

I smiled to myself as I walked on my own, I didn't see Fred around and guessed he was actually ahead of James and Laura, but that was too far from me now.

There was barely anyone in the corridors, and it was getting darker out now, almost dinner time. I saw a shadow of a figure turn the corner on the hall I was walking down. I couldn't really see who it was from this far away, but I guessed it was a teacher because they were tall.

I thought I would see who it was when we crossed paths, but I was wrong. We didn't cross paths, he came bolting right at me when we were closer and I saw then that it was Liam. He pushed me against the wall with such force and kept his arms around me so that I was trapped.

I drew a breath as I struggled to try and shove my way out, but it was no use. There was nothing I could do, I couldn't even reach my wand and my broom fell out of my hand onto the floor.

"Hello, Rose," Liam whispered right into the side of my face, his warm breath filling the air around me, making it feel like there was none left for myself. He had one arm around my back, which was to hold me in place, close to him. The other was moving closer to my bum.

"Liam, get off." I stammered. He squeezed my bum as I said it, digging his nails deep into my skin, ignoring my request.

He thrust forward, pressing into my skin with his body. There was no space anywhere around me. I couldn't breathe. As Liam started to suck on my neck, I did the only thing I was physically able to do, I screamed as loud as I could.

Clueless {Scorose}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें