Chapter 49: Somewhere Only We Know

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When I get to the quidditch pitch, Scorpius is wiped from my mind for a quick minute, as I see that the rest of the team has started practice without me. I almost thought that they would've all left when they saw that I wasn't there. I smile, proud to be a captain of these people.

I watch them play for a couple of minutes. Lily is playing surprisingly well. She's just scored a goal past Darren who was taking my spot as keeper for the moment. I didn't get up to any page in the pregnancy book that talked about playing quidditch, but I guessed that it wouldn't be a problem for her so early on.

Emma was the first to see me standing there. She smiles at me and waves with her beater's bat at hand. The rest of the team sees her doing this, and then they see me.

"Hi everyone!" I call up to them, but they've all started flying down. "I'm really sorry I'm late, I was helping someone get to the hospital wing." And I was kissing Scorpius, but I leave that part out.

"Who was it?" The question comes from Lily who's eyes go wide with worry.

"Er—I think I'll respect their privacy, but they're okay," I say, Lily, frowns but she must know that I'm just going to tell her later anyway. "Alright then, I saw some things we should work on while you guys were playing. Who has the quaffle?"

We get to running drills and the practice runs very well while I'm there. When it starts to get dark out, I tell everyone they can go.

The whole team walks off the pitch with sweat dripping down our faces, which is a good sign. Emma, Anna, and Sara are laughing together, Darren and Jacob are racing back to the changing rooms. Lily bumps me on the side and falls into step beside me.

"Hey," she says, slightly out of breath. She falls into step beside me. "Good practice captain."

"Thanks," I chuckle. "But you guys really did most of it."

"Oh yeah, who did you bring to the hospital wing?"

"It was Lorcan."

Lily freezes, her green eyes grow with worry. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He got hexed by these horrible boys. I was actually going to go see him now, do you want to come with me?"

"Oh, I don't know," Lily hesitates. "But who hexed him?"

"It was some Slytherin boy and his friends. I'm pretty sure they were in your year."

"Oh, that's just horrible. They're so mean to him! You know what, I guess I will come with you."

We start walking towards the hospital wing, and when we reach the corridor before it, we almost walk right into Lorcan.

"Lorcan!" I say. "She let you out, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, just now," he says to me, but his eyes are stopped on Lily. I suddenly feel out of place as the two of them stand there staring at each other, not saying anything for a moment.

"I--I heard what happened," Lily says. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." Lorcan nods. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm okay."

Well, Lorcan, we were just going to go down to dinner," I say. Both of their heads jerk up when they hear my voice. "Do you want to come with us?" Lily stares at me with a panicky look, but I ignore it.

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