Chapter 73: The Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests

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Everyone else in the castle seems perfectly fine. Everyone but the fifth years and seventh years. There's no reason for them to stress nearly as much as us. I did see one panicked first year in the library the other day though. He seemed to be anxious over his final exams. I just silently rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "you have no idea kid."

The exams are starting next week. I've been studying for approximately eight hours a day. All my other time is spent either in class, eating, going to quidditch practice, or sleeping. Not much room in the day for anything else.

I've also been trying to help Lily a lot over the past couple of days. She really needs to pass at least some of her O.W.L's. But it's been really tough helping her while she's feeling like this. She keeps complying about just wanting the baby out of her body, but she's not even due for another few weeks.

On Sunday night, I'm cramming to study for the first exam tomorrow, Charms. At this point, I don't know if there's much more to get out of studying than what I already know, but I keep reading over my notes.

There's a knock on the door to the study at around nine after I've already been studying for about three hours without a break. Scorpius walks in. He's already in his pajamas.

"Hey," I give a tired grin.

"Last minute studying?" He asks. He leans back against my desk. I nod.

He reaches over me and closes up my notebook. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"You know this," he says. "The next thing you have to do is get some sleep."

"You sound like a parent," I say. "I just want to look over a couple more things."

I go to open my book again but he keeps his hand on top of it. "Okay," he says. "Preform a non-verbal summoning charm. I'd like some food and I know you would too."

I sigh, staring at him. He smirks, waiting for me to do the spell. I grab my wand and try it out. Sure enough, two blueberry muffins, just like I had pictured, came two me.

"See," he grabs one of the muffins for himself. "You've got this."

"How about you?" I ask. "Do you think you're in good shape for tomorrow?"

He nods. "I think so. Charms shouldn't be too bad."

"I don't know how you stay so calm. I'm freaking out."

"You need to stop thinking about it so much. Why don't you just focus on getting to bed on time now?" He suggests it like I have an option, but really he's closing all my books and grabbing my hands to pull me up from the chair. I go along with it, letting him help me. "Is Lily in there?"

"She's asleep."

"Let's go to mine then." He leads me into his room. He stops a few steps in. I'm so exhausted that the green glow of his room is looking very comfortable right now. He gives me a hand with taking off my robes, grabbing it from behind the way you do with coats. I kick off my shoes too and untuck my shirt.

He then takes my hand and drags me on over to the bathroom. "You don't have to do this," I tell him. "I can shower on my own."

"I know, I'm just helping you get there."

I get into the shower and he leaves shortly after brushing his teeth and washing up himself. When I get out, I see that my pajamas are laid out on the counter. I don't even remember Scorpius coming back in here to do that. I put them on and then go back to his room. Sure enough, he's still up, sitting in his bed.

"Hey quick question," I say, leaning on the doorway. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

His face lifts into a smile. "Come here."

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